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133) [[underline]] Antiphola [[underline]] 2nd segm. 1 [[^ lateral]] black pencil 2 white ones under it.
3rd segm. 1 lateral bl. pencil & one white one under it.
11th segm. 1 [[^ lateral]] black pencil
12 -- white pencil behind the black one on 11 & a few [[^ long]] black hairs above it. 
When less than 1/2 grown head is rufous & only pencils on 3rd segm. black: on 2nd only slightly tinged. None behind.


Sep.14 Yesterday brought home c. q. Spongifica galls from near Slaughter-house, 21 + 21 = 42 only two, so far as visible, bored. 
Found under black oaks 85 q. prunus galls. None bored.  Specimens [[^ .6 inch in diameter]] found on tree grew one on each side from [[underline]] cup [[underline]] of acorn. [[image]] two acorns connected by prunus galls growth [[/image]] Another grew one only in the same way, but was as yet small & green [[^ .4 inch in diameter]],  showing but little of the reddish markings externally & internally all yellowish green X [[marginal note]]:[[underline]] Mature gall [[underline]] is blood red throughout, in red oak specimens, not centrally greenish.]]  A dried & bored specimen grew almost from the stem of the acorn. On cutting into it, it contained a large larva. Substance of the gall when dried [[underline]] very  [[underline]] hard, but [[^ brown &]] spongy-looking to the eye.  When green, intensely bitter. [[image]] * [[image]] q. scuplta Bassett on [[underline]] Black oak [[ underline]]

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134) Mrs. Barbour (from No.3) brought me a Doryphora 10-lineata caught on her door-step.


[[underline]] Cec. subflavescens (& trifasciata?) [[underline]] belong to Diplosis 
" Diplosis [[?]]  [[W?]] reared from the same gall with Cec. salicina Schr. O.S. p.179


X flagellum of ant. in Cec. destructor, according to Wm. Herrick, varies from 14 - 17 7 jd. Harris NY Ms. p 570 [so also Lw. of one species, which has one more jt. in one antenna]


Lagoa = [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] Trichetra operculuris [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] Fitch II. [[symbol for section]] 67.
Larva found on Sycamore, but though placed on sycamore leaves on a piece of oak-leaf about 1 1/2 inch square has eaten good part of the latter. Length 1.10 inch, breadth .60 inch, midsection [[image - semisphere, flat side down]] with a slight dorsal ridge of hairs (measurements include hair.) Body covered with dirty white close-set hair sloping backwards on joints 3 - 12, upright on 2, & sloping forwards on 1. Head [[^ entirely]] retractile [[^ within 1st segm.]] Segments plain thro the hair.  Hair below line of spiracles (which are [[image - circle]] black annulus, dirty gray.  Abdomen naked & as well as [[^ anus]], skin round spiracles, & legs and prolegs [[^ dull]] flesh-colored.  Hair about .20 -s.25 inch long.  Head flesh-color varied with pale dusky. When disturbed, rolls into a ball, like an [[image]] [[^ hedgehog]] Arctian.  Hair [[strikethrough]] app [[strikethrough]] in bunches, apparently rising from [[^ large]] shallow warts, soft [[^ & almost curly]] & more like hair of mammal than that of other arctians.


Apathus [[image of symbol for male]] works on flowers steadily [[image: *]] [[^ Many or most]] Bombus [[image: symbol for male]] flies about idly on leaves, (trusting to its nest?) But B. vagans [[image: symbol for male]] & B. virginicus [[image: symbol for male]] works.

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