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Cecidomyia larva of [[underline]] q. pilula [[/underline]] has a slender clove-shaped breast-bone.


[[strikethrough]] "Phytophagic races" [[/strikethrough]]


Cage No.3? [[underline]] oak [[/underline]]. Placed therein a large Saturnian black, black tufts, [[insertion]] ^ = [[Parthenope?]] [[auct?]. Grote [/insertion]] head black, skin [[underline]] between [[/underline]] segments sanguineous.  Found on Black Hawk Rocks. [Sep.27 found him feeding on oak]


In cage No. 4? Willow a few green Tenthred. larvae (volunteers) speckled with dark dots.


X Sep.26 Caught the (brown) Niphidium lineatum Walsh MS. ovipositing in the tip of a broken-off stem of golden-rod, stem growing, but dead & dry where egg was laid. Egg 5 times as long as wide, [[prep?]] & about .16 or .17 long.


Oct. 2 Found on a willow (cordatum?) 3 full-grown amber umicola? [[insertion]] ^ but with the double stripe along the back [[strikethrough]]  [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] indigo blue [[/underline]] connected by sky-blue instead of black. [[/insertion]] [[insertion]] ^ Many whitish granules laterally [[/insertion]]. One of the varieties?  Phytophagous? 


Found in an old nest of Hyphantria textor 2 [[symbol for male]] 2 [[symbol for female]] of a { [[strikethrough]] n. sp. Rhaphigaster [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ n.  [[g?]] [[?]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [[underline]] Arma [[/underline]] n. sp. [[/insertion]] & 5 or 6 of a shortwinged subapterous Pentatoma? with 4-jointed ant., 1 [[insertion]] ^ very [[/insertion]] short 2 long, 3 < 2, 4 < 3, Pupa?  Do they feed on the larvae, like [[strikethrough]] Tetyra [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^  Stiretrus [[/insertion]] fimbriatus , found in another caterpillar next in the summer (August)? [[insertion]] [Yes] [[/insertion]] Can the subapterous sp. be the pupa of the [[insertion]] ^ Arma? [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Rhaphigaster? [[/strikethrough]] [Yes]  It is common in the summer, but is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] unlike the imago. Lots of Scutelleride [[enuriae?]] in the nest.


The legs of the larva of [[underline]] {Eucera. [[strikethrough]] [[vimenalis?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] [[insertion]] [[nemat?]] [[/strikethrough]] S. ovum. [[/insertion]] Walsh are not impotent


Oct. 4 Saw [[underline]] distinctly [[/underline]] the pupa of the above Scutelleride with its beak porrect & plunged into the abd. of a Lepid. larva 1/2  [[/insertion ^ -3/4 inch long [[/insertion]]feeding on mulberry. Had placed 2 among them. Close

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by was a dead lep. larva, which he had apparently already sucked. Three [[insertion]] ^ or 4 [[/insertion]] hours afterwards saw him again with his beak inserted into another or probably the same lepid. larva.


Colorational lines in Noctuidae (Grote from [[Cy?]]) (Catocala example)

[[NOTE: 1st through 5th are bracketed with designation "lines"]]:

1st basal
2nd tranverse anterior
3rd [[strikethrough]]  then dis [[/strikethrough]] transverse posterior (toothed)
4 subterminal [[image]]
5th terminal ([[insertion]] ^ mere [[/insertion]] dots often)

1st basal space (inside basal line)
2nd subbasal between 1st & 2nd lines
3rd median space - 2nd & 3rd line

Superiorly above median vein called discal space; below it no nerve contains orbicular vent base, reniform & subreniform
4th subterminal space between 3rd & 4th
5th terminal - - 4th & 5th & balance


[[strikethrough]] Herrick Shaeffer [[/strikethrough]

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