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In Lepid. (Grote) median vein of Neuropterides = subcostal, submedian of Neuropterides = median, next vein = submedian.
Chrysopa - (specms. preserved) & Hippodamia maculata prey extensively on the Chinch-bug. Auctore Henry Shimer, see his letter.
Hipparchiscus venustus Walsh may be Geomtra? secci-folea Fitch (larva only known) N.Y. Rep II. section 86, but that sp. spins a cocoon; mine did not.
"Follow truth whithersoever she leads us, & don't be afraid that one truth will contradict another or will not explain all the heiroglyphs of Nature" (to Hagen)
Oct. 29. Placed 5 or 6 Cynips aciculata [[symbol for female]] on an oak 50 yards from timber (isolated) east of s. end of causeway over flat s. of town (2  ft nearly at butt. Also ditto on isolated oak east of slaughterhouse, 100 yds from timber.  Day warmish, no frost of  nights now. No galls seen on or under these 2 trees.
Oct. 31 Bred Prodeura commelinae sin. Abb. from cabbage larva end of August. See p. 121 = No.5 or No.6?
Packard (Rep. p. 168) says pupa of Cer. 4-cornus ahs the tongue-case detatched. wrong?
Four modes of cortus in Insects. 1st The normal mode. 2nd Ranatra & perlina 3rd. Diapheromera 4th Libellulide
Nov.6.   8 [[symbol for female]] c.q. aciculata came out in last 7 days, all lively.  Placed them all on the trunk of a black
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oak 12 inches at butt in Jonah Carr's upland pasture [[image - map showing location of black oak, burr oak in pasture]]
No galls on it & no other black oak near it.  [May 21 full of galls. see p.149]
Nov. 26. Dug out from nubilipennis oak-gall a cynipide larva.  Dimorph. form?  Preserved but came to nothing 10 June mississippi the 7th 1865
Nov.15 Found in a [[strike]] cell or [[/strike]] cocoon (open at top) of c.s.strobil. numerous remains (30 say) of Aphideaus (known by tarsi) & intermixed & attached to them o cocoons?  yellowish-hyaline of Proctotrupide?

[[section crossed out, but reads: Dec. 4 Black knot plum on left fork leading to bluff bottom field on top of hill near bass, to the right [[gory?]]. A little beyond inside bass to the right a basswood slump with terminal (mostly) galls on shoots.]]

Dec.15 cut into a q.prunus gall. Found a larva (cynip) still alive & kicking. Put those from read oak on the ground east of privy.
[[strike]] Torturing of Nature to fit the Procrustean bed which they have predetermined in their own mind she shall be upon, whether or nay - [[/strike]]

Dec.25 Found a tenthred. larva, yellow .18 long in the gall of Trypela solidaginus, burrowing near its base the trypela larva begin these.
Alcohol specimens of Caloptenus {a n.Sp. (colorado) Uhler femur-rubrum
have the femur almost always sanguineous; others never. Hence the name.