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Sphinx 5 - maculata - "Transfth. very rarely delayed to 2nd summer" Lentner P.E.S.P. III p. 650 So Sphinx drupiferarum [[underline]] ibid [[/underline]] p. 659


[[underline]] Larva [[/underline]] of Stylops (Westw.) said to be really a [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] imago [[underline]] by Siebold P.E.S.P. III p. 44 (see quotation from Westw. in the Ohio Secretary's printed letter) Now there [[underline]] must [[underline]] be winged dimorphous [[symbol of two females]], otherwise how can the race be propagated?


Sep.22. Split 1 sp. Stenosphenus notatus out of hickory


X March 12. Examining 40 - 60 galls of c. q. spongifica, which had lain on my table thro' the winter, found 4 or 5 acciculata (dead) that had come out, & in about 12 - 14 galls found in two masses of chalcidide larvae (10 - 15) & in one a cynips larva apparently alive.


March 27. Found white hickory (in Case's field close to [[stubb?]] grape-vine & [[underline]] q. prunus [[/underline]]  tree) full of woody galls whence I once bred a Trochileum.  Found in one of them 4 larvae 1/4 inch long, front 1/2 very robust & apparently from head Curculionidous. [Bred a black Curculionide [[underline]] magdalis? [[/underline]] May 22 from these galls.]


March 31. Taeniopteryx fasciata Burm. does [[underline]] not [[/underline]] hybernate in imago but comes out from Mississippi River now. Found numberless spms. under rejectamenta, some mature, some just come or coming out & preserved.

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One perfect pupa. Found in company about a dozen Capnia pygmaea? Burm. All [[symbol of two females]]?


X Apr.3. A [[underline]] q. prunus [[/underline]] gall opened (on shelf all winter) contained healthy & living large Cynip. larva, size of aciculata.


Apr.4. A remarkable [[symbol for male]] S. siliqua from s. humilis, length (recent) .25 inch [[(ita?)]] . Kept it 24 hours alive: dorsum of abdomen deep brown black with very definite edges, the sutures (= [[image]] 1/2 length of other part) & venter fulvous.  Venter white hairs & laterally up to dorsal brown-black. Eight distinct abd. jts. last smaller & narrower & bearing the genitals. Fulvous suture between 1st jt. & metathorax.  Abdomen evidently abnormally swelled as often in [[underline]] Gomphus, [[/underline]] for thor. & head not much larger than in [[symbol for male]] s. siliqua from s. cordata which came out same day & when alive measured only .15 inch. All from s.cordata hitherto (4  [[symbol for male]] 5 [[symbol for female]]) had dorsum abd. brown black & venter nearly the same, or slightly sang.  How easy, if only this one bred, to separate it as a distinct species by glaring & obvious characters!  Those from S. cordata had the thor. sub-bivittate with whitish hairs.


Apr.7. In a recent [[underline]] s. cornu [[/underline]] gall found [6 or] 7 orange colored larvae (Chalcididous). The normal diaphragm, & gall bored with 2 or 3 minute holes.  Head & 3 thoracic segments [[underline]] perfectly [[/underline]] hyaline, rest deep orange. [underline]] No breastbone. [[/underline]] Placed in vial {May 14 5 came out Chalcidide, + 1 pupa + 1 larva.


Mangrove-seeds germinating in the calyx of the flower analogous to [[underline]] viviparous [[/underline]]  animals. Meth. St. p. 179

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