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Apr 11. Larva [[underline]] C. S. triticoides [[/underline]] .09 [[^ - .10]] inch long, [[strikethrough]] full [[/strikethrough]] 3 times as long as wide, [[strikethrough]] luteous- [[/strikethrough]] fulvous with whitish bowel-like markings. Breast-bone Y-shaped as in [[underline]] Brass. [[/underline]] &c. Entire cell .5 long, .05 wide. Cocoon [[strikethrough]] [[^ largely]] attached in wood-part of cell, [[/strikethrough]] fine; [[strikethrough]] in bud part. [[/strikethrough]]. One extracted whole contained point of cocoon. One living sp. & a dead & partially dried up one, which had become lutes-fulvous instead of fulvous. Head very large [[image]], as long [[^ & wide]] as segments are long, so that when retracted ant. end. of body seems truncate.


X { Two [[underline]] S. Gemma [[/underline]] opened contained each a white Chalcide (?) larva (no breastbone) about .1 inch long. See p. 148X


S. Strobiliscus? 7 or 8 spms. more or less deflexed or reflexed, instead of porrect.


Apr. 9 Placed 2 pupa & 2 larvae of S. Strobiliscus? (S. discolor) in a vial. Apr. 14 one larva had changed to pupa, but legs just as long as other [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] [[^ 2]], or all 3 alike.


Apr. 14 Imago [[symbol for female]] from S. discolor? [[underline]] siliqua [[/underline]] N.H. undistinguishable from imago [[symbol for female]] same day from S. humilis gall [[underline]] siliqua [[/underline]].


Apr. 16 Bred 3 [[symbol for female]] 2 [[symbol for male]] Nematus S. pomum. [[^ [[symbol for female]] ]] Compared (recent) with recent [[symbol for female]] S. desmod. bred yesterday but killed today, abd. & legs of all (except of course abd. dorsal black parts) is [[strikethrough]] pale [[^ dull]] greenish shite; so also in dried sp. In [[/strikethrough]] fulvous or dull fulvous whitish. In S. Desmod they are pale dull greenish white, & so also on all dried sp. so far as legs at least. In [[two symbols for female]] same [[image]] but [[underline]] abd [[/underline]] [[symbol for male]] pomum is greenish.


5 [[symbol for female]] from S. discolor potato-like smooth gall = C. S. batatas. Scutel [[^ densely]] covered in 2 or 3 with forked while hairs [[image]] in a dense brush. in several on Apr. 18 [So in [[underline]]  [[/underline]] Cec? ] So none bred 1865.

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Apr. 17 Cec. S. batatas (7 [[symbol for female]] bred from S. discolor gall have a whitish [[^ cinereous narrow linear]] eye orbit (like Cec. orbitalis) & disk of each ventral brown, when [[^ wh.]] hair is removed, forming square brown plates. Dry [[underline]] c. s. batatas [[/underline]] apparently has white orbits too.


Apr. 18 10 [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] C. s. batatas [[/underline]] from S. discolor had all the eye orbit as above, but (being killed immediately after coming out, the others having lived 7 or 8 hours) had venter [[^ all]] sanguineous immaculate


Found [[strikethrough]] Rhaphigaster [[symbol for female]] [[/strikethrough]]] [[^ Arma spinosa Dallas (tip elytra vittate dusky) ]] (cabt.) in copula, one of them with its beak into an [[underline]] Andrena [[/underline]] on willow blossoms. On April 19 fixed him under a glass with wetted sugar.
May 3. sick. May 4 died. No result.


Apr. 21 3 [[symbol for female]] c. s. batatas from S. discolor galls (no [[symbol for male]] yet) nor any parasites. [No [[symbol for male]] afterwards, but [[underline]] decatoma [[/underline]] parasites.] 

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April 18 Found numerous larvae (apparently of {Limenitis disippus} [[^ came out May 21 & 2 May 24]] on S. humilis, which had hybernated in cases like pitcher-plant make out of willow-leaf. Lintner (P.E.S.P. II p. 620 supposes it to hybernate in
[[underline]] imago [[/underline]] state. [[^ [[Nar?]] in pupa state]] Apr. 23 Found one similar case on S. cordata, old & empty. Base of leaf always tied to twig with silken cords. Leaf cut thus: [[image]] At this time S. humilis was in flower but [[underline]] no leaves [[/underline]] & larvae were crawling about on the flowers & apparently feeding on them.  May 5 one had gone to pupa. [[^ 4 subsequently by May 15.]] N.B. according to Harris Cynthea Atalanta normally draws leaves together in the same way. [[underline]] [[?]] [[?]] p. 295 [[/underline]]


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