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155) [[underline]] Gall prunus Tubicola [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^(see July 2) [[/insertion]] a clavate [[insertion]] ^soft, hollow thin-shelled [[/insertion]] gall .07 - .10 inch long, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^ greenish yellowish but [[/strikethrough]] generally  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] at towards [[/strikethrough]] except at base [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] rosy [[insertion]] ^ red [[/strikethrough]] 20 [[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] - [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ 50 [[/insertion]] of them growing from the upper surface of the leaf end of June (26th) with many young ones coming forwards. Inside most (12 about [[insertion]] ^ opened [[/insertion]] empty, but from one [[strikethrough]] found [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ extracted uninjured [[/insertion]] an elongate larva 4 - 5 times as long as wide & about .02 long, whitish with 3 or 4 [[strikethrough]] tip [[/strikethrough]] caudal jts. opaque yellowish. Head when exserted very long & pointed & blackish at [[insertion]] ^ extreme [[/insertion]] tip.  Breastbone small dusky indistinct.  Cecidomyiidous? Four or 5 galls had already burst open at tip. [[insertion]] & one gnawed or burst open sideways [[/insertion]] Gall opaque, with short rather sparse whitish hairs. Very abundant on wild plum  Similar gall on choke-cherry. See p. 153 & 108


June 27. [[underline]] Orgyia [[/underline]] larva (1) taken on thorn today differs from that of hickory [[insertion]] ^ (p.153) [[insertion]] (the 2 compared) only in there being a central dorsal pencil of clavate hairs on jt. 11 instead of an evenly shorn brush, & in these being on jts. 4 - 9 a single lateral [[insertion]] long [[/insertion]] long black clavate hair surmounting the lateral whitish hairs. [Had spun up July 8; came out a [[underline]] Parorgyia [[/underline]] Packard July 24.]

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156) [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] June [[strikethrough]] [[2?]] [[/strikethrough]] 29 [[/underline]] Larva of [[underline]] Arhopalus robinae. [[/underline]] Is [[/strikethrough]] it scarcely [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] not at all [[/insertion]] clavate in front as drawn by O.S. Spiracles on meso thorax [[insertion]] {normal see I. p. 119 P.E.S.P. [[/insertion]] & on 1st 8 abd. segments. Length [[insertion]] ^ .06 - [[/insertion]] - .07 inch. Prothorax not flattened above and below.  Prothorax [[underline]] not [[/underline]] brownish yellow, but whitish like rest of body with 4 transversely arranged dorsal brownish-yellow roundish spots.  Six specimens. Had completely honey-combed a branch 1 1/2 inch in diameter, heartwood & all.  [larva preserved in alcohol.] [[strikethrough]]

The larva of Sphingicampa distigma (?) when only .05 or .06 long, has [[strikethrough]] a [[insertion]] ^ the [[insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] pair of [[strikethrough]] double [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] horns [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] on jts 2 & 3 [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] each pair [[insertion]] ^ transverse & [[/insertion]] bifid to the base, capable of divaricating & [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] armed with with little prickles, about 1/3 as long as body, [[strikethrough]] on jts 2 & 3 [[insertion]] & keeps the 2 left & the 2 right horns generally closely appressed. [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]]. On jt. 11 is the normal horn, sprangled & fully equal to diameter of body. Joints 4-10 have [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] thorns, [[underline]] all alike [[/underline]] on the different jts. Preserved in alcohol.


June 30.  Found Brachygaster reticulatus S. under a [[insertion]] ^ flat [[/insertion]] log, alive.  Feeds on subterranean larvae?


X July 1. opened 3 q. prunus; 1 with 7 or 8 chalc.? larvae; 1 empty; one healthy cynipides larva.


July 2. Attacus Cynthea will eat elm. One .50 inch long.


X [[underline]] Prunus tubicola [[/underline]] is now [[insertion]] ^ (fresh gathered) [[/insertion]] .20 long & 5 times as long as wide, neck about 1/2 width of other part or more. [[insertion]] ^ slit [[/insertion]] open [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]]  20 [[insertion]] ^carefully [[insertion]] on 3 different leaves [[/insertion]] [[insertion]] but found [[underline]] no larva. [[/underline]] A few drying & turning brown at tip. No young ones now. None burst open now.

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