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[[underline]] July 2 [[/underline]] [[underline]] Orgyia [[/underline]] larva on thorn still there.


July 4. Opened 3 Pseudotinct. galls [[strikethrough]] gathered [[/strikethrough]] gathered April 8, '62 on ground (q. rubra) & [[symbol for therefore]] over 2 years old. Two contained perfectly shrivelled larva & one a plump (& living?) one. A dorsal dark vitta. Cynip. or Chalcid?


July 9. Leped. larva (head [[image - pencil drawing of head of larva]]) of black-knot has neither legs nor prolegs, & yet walks tolerably on a smooth table. [Conotrachelus nenuphar?]


X July 12. Examined black-knot, & seemed to recognize
a minute orange-colored larva in one of the Cecid. like cells like those of [[underline]] C. S. batatas. [[/underline]] Two kinds of Lepid. larvae, one with a brown shield on 1st segment, the other simple. Found galls (bk kt.) intermixed with old galls along the longitudinal slit formed by bursting of bark [[symbol for therefore]]  not caused by Tenthredo. [[underline]] May [[/underline]] be caused by ovipositional slit of [[underline]] Ceresa [[/underline]]. But why not on other [[underline]] Ceresa [[/underline]] slits, as in those detected by myself on Crab?


July 11. The oak-apples on  [[insertion]] ^ Black oak [[/insertion]] tree E. of Case's field were all torn off & the string gone. Of the 36(?) picked up 27 under the bough. Could not have been torn off [[underline]] sooner [[/underline]] than July 4 & probably by German crowd celebrating there on that day. Those on Red Oak inside s [[superscript]] d. [[/superscript]] field were all gone - none on ground.


July 17. In one of the last-gathered Black-knots found a Lepid. larva [[underline]] with distinct legs. [[/underline]] Head yellowish [[image - pen drawing of larva head with portion indicated A]] the emargination at A [[underline]] while [[/underline]] like the rest of the body.  [[insertion]] No shield on joint. [[/insertion]] While cutting into another Bk Kt. a scarlet

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Thrips larva suddenly emerged from the [[strikethrough]] eaten [[/strikethrough]] inside when it had been eaten & left full of frass by Lep. larvae also a small white [[underline]] acarus.[[/underline]]  Re-examined the [Lepid?] [[insertion]] ^ curculio? [[/insertion]]larva (head [[image of head]]) in the 2nd lot of galls & it was [[underline]] most certainly [[/underline]] without legs & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] prolegs.  Length .20 inch [[insertion]] ^ 4 times as long as wide [[/insertion]]. Body yellowish white, [[strikethrough]] hairy [[/strikethrough]] with whitish hairs, head pale rufous. [[insertion]] ^ A subobsolete double rufous shield on jt. 1[[/insertion]]. Inserted it in a hole of a B.Kt. much [[strikethrough]] bored [[/strikethrough]] frass (& which [[underline]] may [[/underline]] contain another lep. larva) & placed in separate bottle. [[insertion]] ^ [July 2 [[?]] dead] [[/insertion]] Found no Cecid. larvae.


* July 18. Leaf gall [[insertion] (See p. 166) of [[strikethrough]] Vernonia fasciculata? [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [[?]] //strikethrough]] Asteris   [[/strikethrough]] bulla aster (common) [[insertion]] just over Chippk. fence, end of Myodites Slough. Pale gall. Fleshy, diameter [[insertion]] ^ .20 - .30 inch. [[/insertion]]  Pale [[/insertion// Green, [[insertion]] often rosy above [[/insertion]] globular, projecting from both sides of the leaf, [[insertion]] generally [[/insertion]] most of it above, & hollow with quite thin walls.  [[strikethrough]] Often [[/strikethrough]] Opens always below, in a round hole. 

Larva .15 inch long, 4 [[insertion]] ^ - 15 [[/insertion]] times as long as wide, tapered at both ends.  Anal segm. [[image with "12" ]]. Head large, rounded. [[strikethrough]] Slight vestige of [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ No [[/insertion]] breast-bone. Orange with not very distinct curdy, bowel-like markings: 12 segments + head [[underline]] very [[/underline]] distinct; 3 thor. segm. less hunched than abd. A dorsal? or [[strikethrough]] abd. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ ventral? [[/insertion]] series of fleshy carnucles [[image]] on abd. jts. 1-7, by aid of which it rolls rapidly over sideways: 2 spms
Pupa. Length .15 inch including [[strikethrough]] antennal thorus [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [capital? or [[strikethrough]] prothoracic? capital? thoracco horns[[/strikethrough]] bristles [[/insertion]] which are = 2/3 diam. of body, [[insertion]] placed immediately [[strikethrough]] placed [[/strikethrough]] behind ant horns [[/insertion]] setose, their basal 1/5 suddenly thickened [[insertion]] ^ breadth 1/5 = 1/4 length [[/insertion]]. Ant. horns conical in [[symbol for angle]] angle of 60°, [[insertion]] ^ acute [[/insertion]] divaricating at 90°.  Legs [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] scarcely extending beyond centre of body. Segments much hunched laterally & rolls over like larva.  Color [[insertion]] ^ pale [[/insertion]] sanguineous [[insertion]] ^front parts tinged with dusky [[/insertion]], abd. with same markings as larva.  No thor. bristles. Front parts, especially wing-cases almost black, [[insertion]] ^ just before coming out [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] sometimes [[/strikethrough]]: 2 spms

Many galls were bored & empty July 17. Some 17 on one leaf, partially confluent. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3 more (young) larvae examd. Breast-bone pale [[insertion]] ^ but distinct in two of 3 [[/insertion]] clove-shaped.  Pseudopods abd. not dorsal. On [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ many [[/insertion]] larvae found a small external feeding parasitic larva, probably {[[?onide]] chalcid. [[insertion]] ^ in one case [[underline]] two [[/underline]] such on a pupa found one July 19^
-- imago [[symbol for female]] a Diplosis: ant 2 & 12 jd - many cells - T.O

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