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[[underline]] Ulmi [[insertion]] ^ crumena [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] loculus [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ fungus [[/insertion]]. On [[underline] true [[/underline]] White Elm R.R. bottom. July 20.
An irregularly oval, [[insertion]] ^ or fusiform, [[/insertion]] pale green, gall on the upper face of leaf, 1-8 on a leaf, with a short robust peduncle, springing [[insertion]] ^ often but not always [[/insertion]] from mid rib or one of principal veins, with a few white hairs. [[insertion]] ^ Opposite side a small pubescent spot, [[/insertion]] Inside with dense filaments [[insertion]] ^ strongly [[/insertion]] clavate [[image]] at base radiating from the thin external shell [[strikethrough]] & some of them [[/strikethrough]] white some [[insertion]] ^ of them occasionally [[/insertion]] pink. [[insertion]] ^ Inside wall of gall rarely crimson. [[/insertion]] Opened 10 & found no living insect.  Very like Aceris loculus. Length .25 & under.

Our upland ash = Fraxinus americana = white ash.


[[underline]] Rhois [[strikethrough]] bursa [[/strikethrough]] tomatas [[/underline]] July 20 - on Rhus typhina [[insertion]] ^ Staghorn Sumach [[/insertion]] - grows from the  midrib of leaflet, rarely from one of side-veins, 1-3 on a leaf, pyriform, small end basal, green & downy now. Largest about 3/4 inch long. Zanthoxylum "Colden" 


July [[underline]] 24 [[/underline]] Gall vitis siliqua [[insertion]]  ^ Probably = O.S. No.23 [[/insertion]] (On vine in yard). 
[[insertion]] ^ Vitis cordifolia [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] on V. vulpisia? [[/strikethrough]] Sept. 4  A smooth, green shining oval [[insertion]] ^ or fusiform [[/insertion]] enlargement of the leaf: stalk, generally close to the leaf, rarely on the [[insertion]] ^ small [[/insertion]] twig bearing the leaf, .50 - .85 long, .20 - .30 in diameter.  [[Polythala?]]. Larva Cecid. [[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] greenish hyaline, [[insertion]] ^ with pseudopods [[/insertion]] breast-bone = 2 transverse black dots.  [[image]] [[image]]


gall [[underline]] Tilia pilula [[/underline]]. [Noticed 1 aphidian vigorously running out or freshly-opened green gall.] An irregularly round or oval, sessile pale green gall, bisected by the plane of the leaf, not confined to veins, flattened above & below & generally tinged with rosy on the [[image - pen drawing of circle]]

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above & below, both surfaces coarsely reticulate & with 4 or 5 stria radiating from [[insertion]] ^ a small [[/insertion]]  central depression. Mostly now burst open below (like q. pilula) & the cap of the gall fallen off leaving only a rough brown surface [[image - two circles, one within the other]], the upper surface entire but changed to a deep blood-red color.  Found 1 cecid. larva orange, [[insertion]] ^ oblong, short & bb. [[/insertion]] [[drawing]], & 3 or 4 callimome & 1 or 2 other chalcid. in green galls, one in each. [[drawing]] monothalamous.  1 - 20 on a leaf, 2 or 3 often confluent.  Diam. gall .13 - .30 inch.


[[underline]] Gall Tiliae. vena. [[/underline]]. a simple enlargement of a main vein .20 long & containing 1 elongate white cecid. larva, breastbone [[image -pen drawing of two small circles]] .10 inch long.


x [[underline]] Tiliae loculus [[/underlined]] - [[insertion]] acaridan [[/insertion]] epiphytous fungus - like Aceris loculus - no larva in it. 1 specimen


[[underline]] Juglandis caulis [[/underline]] (Black walnut) a solid fleshy [[reverse the following]] oval irregularly [[reverse the preceding]] subsessile dwelling .35 - .42 in diameter [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ clasping the [[/insertion]] leaf stalk, [[insertion]] ^ or midrib of compound leaf [[image - pen drawing of leaves]] but not so as unite on the opposite side [[/insertion]] internally grass green, externally except next leafstalk with a dense opaque reddish brown wooly-pubescent surface, like cheek of peach. No larva, but indistinct incipient cells? next outside is Cecid? gall?


[[underline]] Juglandis loculus. [[/underline]] on Blk Walnut. [[insertion]] ^ many specimens [[/insertion]]. Much like [[underline]] Aceris [[/underline]] loculus; inside white woolly fibres. No insects. Epiphytous fungus? On upper face of leaflet. 


[[underline]] Gall  Crataegi vermiculus.  [[/underline]] on Cr.  tomentosa July 23; = that on Cr. crus-galli, & larva the same. Davenports field. n tree