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204) [[underline]] Gall Populi globulus [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ Chippianock? [[/insertion]] On Populus [[insertion]] [tremuloides] ^ grand identata? [[/insertion]]? (quaking asp) 
A fleshy hollow very pale green gall upon or on one side of midrib of leaf, 1 - 5 in number; inside hollow & opening with a slit below. [[underline]] Aphid? [[/underline]] Diam. .10 - .20 inch, round or oval.


[[underline]] Gall?  Pyri aenigma [[/underline]] [[insertion]]] ^ on P coronaria (Crab.) [[/insertion]] A irregularly round yellow discoloration [[strikethrough]] & thickening [[/strikethrough]] on both sides the leaf. [[insertion]] about [[/insertion]] .25 in diameter, the centre a little depressed above & with 10 - 30 minute acute black tubercles; beneath a thickening in the form of a ring with numerous round brown [[insertion]] ^ opening in a month [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] flat [[/strikethrough]] tubercles, ^[[or a mouth]] flat at tip & [[insertion]] ^ each [[/insertion]] with a coronet of brownish white hairs. Inside fleshy but no larva seen. [[insertion]] ^ with minute [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] cells opening in a mouth fringed with hairs [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] The tubercles below connecting with solid whitish cells.[[/strikethrough]].  [[insertion]] ^ when cut open [[drawing perpendicular symbol]] plane of leaf [[/insertion]] 1 - 6 on a leaf.


X Aug. 1. Cut open last year [[underline]] Q. erinacei [[/underline]] galls. Many C. q erinacei (apterous) In one gall found 2 cynip. larva, both plump & certainly alive. In a 4-celled gall, 1 [[underline]  c. q. erin. [[/underline]], 1 such larva & 2 empty cells. In [[insertion]] ^ 1 [[/insertion]] 3-celled ones, 1 larva + 2=0.  One 2-celled, 1 larva +=0. [[strikethrough]] In one _________ one [[/strikethrough]] 2 larva +1=0:


[[underline]] Gall? Populi semen. [[/underline]] An irregularly hemispherical prominence on upper side of leaf .05 - .10 in diam. opening below by a very wide [[image: round]] mouth. Inside granulated fibres. Color[[insertion]] ^outside [[/insertion]] green fading to blackish on [[insertion]] ^ grandidentata? [[/insertion]]quaking asp. July 31. No insects. [[/underline]] Acarus? [[/underline]] gall


X Aug 2. [[underline]] Crataegi vermiculus [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ on Cr. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] crus-galli [[/insertion]] [strikethrough]] crus-galli [[/insertion]]
Larva as before. Elongate, pale rosy, 4 times as long as wide, legs in front glide

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rather than walk.
X [[underline]] Gall Vitifolia [[/underline]] Fitch. Old coccus still in a gall with numerous eggs.  Tarsus distinctly 1-jointed. Length body .02 inch, almost motionless. Young louse in a gall twice as long as wide clearly hexapod, eyes distinct, antenna stout, shortish, [[underline]] before [[/underline]] eyes.  In one gall [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 3 old half-dead lice & a dozen eggs.

X One old louse lively tarsi plainly 1-jd. + 1 young lively 
louse. [[strikethrough]] antenna [[?]] 3rd joint short [[?]] 2nd long [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] [[image]] [[/insertion]]


[[checkmark]] [[underline]] Gall caryaevena [[/underline]] Fitch. In some young lice, hexapod, eyes black, & before eyes antenna.  In other eggs. In some yellow chalcide pupa, still some eggs remaining. Old louse .015 long; tarsi apparently 1-jd. Clearly a coccus. Ant. shorter than legs, 3-jd., 3rd longest.
[An aphis[[strikethrough]]idan [[/strikethrough]] larva? on surface of leaf has 1-jd. tarsi [[image]] Old lice round, young twice as long as wide. A hyaline white acaroid in one, .01 long, ant. longish, [[underline]] but only 6 legs [[/underline]] (certain). In another 2 or 3 much smaller, & a [[underline]] great deal smaller [[/underline]] than coccidi eggs. Must be inquilines.  In one gall a good dozen of young lice + ditto eggs. [[strikethrough]] [[blot]] [[/strikethrough]]

0 [[underline]] Fraxini [[strikethrough]] labrum [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ basium [[/insertion]] (p.202) No larva or insects, except from one a large Thrips larva came out.

ΒΆ [[underline]] Carya semen. [[/underline]] Larva coccidan? .01 long, 3 or 4 in a gall with some young ones. [[insertion]] ^Some gall eggs (coccidan.) [[/insertion]] Ant. 3-jd. 3rd much longest. So in vitifolia & caryavena. 


Verbascum lychnitis L [[insertion]]  ^ (white mullein) [[/insertion]] hybridizes freely with V. thapsus (common Mullein) in a state of nature (both introduced from Europe) Gray's Man. p 283.


Aug 3. Opening [[underline]] Caryavena [[/underline]] gall ran out 2 or 3 [[insertion]] ^ hyaline [[/insertion]] acari. Six legs, ant. long about 5 or 6-jd., no segments to body & no distinct head. Out of another came 2 Thrips imagos. 


Aug 4. [[underline]] Tilia loculus [[/underline]] (see p.201)  Length .10 - .25, oval, [[insertion]] ^sometimes 2 1/2 times as long as wide, [[/insertion]] or roundish, with 6 or 7 long stria , tip  [[insertion]] ^ generally [[/insertion]] [[image]] split a little into several tubercles.  Of 20 opened, only 2 contained a single [[underline]] Acarus  [[/underline]]

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