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208) or pale [[insertion]] ^ coarse [[/insertion]] crinkled filaments, not very dense. [[underline]] Acaridan [[/underline]] In 15 opened no larvae, except in one a dark (Thrips?) larva, lost.


X Aug 7. [[underline]] Fraxini verruca. [[/underline]] Opened 17. 8 = 0, 4 contained a single  longi-corn hyaline acarus;  hyaline acarus; 2 hyaline acarus with black [[insertion]] ^ internal [[/insertion]] disk; 2 brownish acarus with black internal disk; & 1 a legless? oval hyaline body?


XX [[underline]] Ulmi [[strikethrough]] loculus [[/strikethrough]] crumena [[/underline]] on U. Americana? North of U. gallifera on Island.  Agrees with description p. 196, but 1 - 55 on a leaf. One .30 long, & generally  fusiform thrice as long as wide. Of 25 galls opened 10 contained many [[insertion]] ^ exceedingly minute, sluggish [[/insertion]] larvae, thrice as long as wide, whitish hyaline. [[ [[?initials]] Found a single small withered gall on "Ulmicola" elm on Island.]


Aug. 9 [[underline]] Ulmi crumena [[/underline]] (on true U. Americana. Some galls .30 long.) Of 10 opened, 5 contained larva, chiefly those pinkish inside.  Skin inside & bulb of hairs pink more or less in these. 

[[checkmark]] [[underline]]  Ulmi loculus [[/underline]] (on U. fulva) Subglobular or but slightly oval, with a stout very distinct
peduncle, [[insertion]] ^ whole .15 long or less [[/insertion]]. Outside rugose with dense short white hairs. Inside no clavate hairs, but irregular mostly deep dull crimson [[insertion]] ^ irregular [[/insertion]] excrescences.  Of 15 opened 9 had [[insertion]] ^ sluggish whole hyaline [[/insertion]]  larva & 1 [[insertion]] ^ of the nine [[/insertion]]  showed 2. 1 lively long-horn acarus (white hyaline) & 1 showed 2.

0 [[underline]] Crataegi plica [[/underline]] some now .70 long & .17 wide. Larva yellowish [[insertion]] ^ walks well,, [[/insertion]]  (curdy markings).10 long, [[/insertion]] pseudopods on its back [[/insertion]] b.b. [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[blot]] [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ black, [[/insertion]] [[carc?l]]  larva & pupa inquilinous (cecid. destroyed) In [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] two + 9 tally marks [[/insertion]] galls  a hairy larva (= [[strikethrough]] curcul.) [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ chalcid? [[/insertion]] attached externally to Cecid larva. bb. [[image]] rufous. In one  a [[underline]] Xiphidium [[/underline]] egg? A few hairs on outside of some galls.  In two galls parasite & cecid. larva at opposite ends of gall; usually [[image]]

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X [[underline]] Cerasi [[strikethrough]] loculus [[/ strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ crumena. [[/insertion]] [[/underline]] Some now .45 long. Of 8 galls opened 2 only contained larva, both numerously, 1 subactive ones twice as long as broad, one sluggish ones thrice as long as broad.


[[underline]] Carya spina [[insertion]] ^  cecidom [[/inseriton]] [[/underline]]. n. sp (on C. glabra, oftener on upper than under side of leaf, 20 leaves to 14) [[insertion]] ^ generally more or less procumbent. [[/insertion]] An elongate conical gall .38 long or less, .10 in diameter, clavate more or less in a bulb  at base & contracted at extreme base covered with dense white pubescence. Shell hard & thin.  Inside cell extending almost to extreme tip, polished. Larva [[insertion]] ^ .05 long, [[/insertion]]  hyaline with yellow stomach, breastb. blackish, shape squarish.  In many no larva. Color pale green, tipped rarely with brown.  Often a little curved.

[[underline]] Persicoides? [[/underline]] O. S. on C. glabra.  Diameter .15 & less.  [[strikethrough]] Shell hard & thin. [[/strikethrough]] Always on lower face. [[insertion]] ^ [two on upper side]. [[/insertion]] Like gall on C. Alba. Shell thin & hard. Inside smooth. Larva milk white - hyaline, 2 1/2 times as long as wide, [[insertion]] ^ 1/8 inch long, [[/insertion]] b.b. brown [[image]] [[insertion]] ^ or slightly [[image]] [[image]] [[/insertion]] 


[[underline]] Tubicola? [[/underline]] O.S. On C. glabra. Length .12 & less. Some just emerging from basal cup. None brown yet, as now most on C. alba.  Shell hard and & thin. On under side [[insertion]] ^ of leaf [[insertion]] always.  Cecidom. larva small, whitish. Bb indistinct.


[[underline]] Carya cylindrus [[/underline]] n. sp. On C. glabra. A cylindrical but slightly enlarged in the middle, barrel shaped [[insertion]] ^ rarely brownish or smooth pale green  [[?? line with cross marks and strikethrough]], [[/insertion]] gall .10 - .12 long & 2 1/2 times as long as wide; tip squarely truncate, with a pointed  [[strikethrough]] with a [[/strikethrough]] tubercle in the middle tipped with a [[insertion]] ^ blunt [[/insertion]] brown pouch.  On lower face leaf [[insertion]] ^ very rarely above.[[insertion]]   [[symbol]] tubicola (young) by having no acorn like cup. [[insertion]] ^ Shell thin but hard.[[/insertion]] 14 specimens [[insertion]] ^ {a single one chick was [[insertion]] brown & [[/insertion]] strongly pubescent [[symbol]] species?) contained a roundish yellow larva Bb [[image]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] 


On [[underline]] Carya glabra [[/underline]] n. sp. {intermediate grades noticed Like [[underline]] persicoides  [[/underline]] O.S but [underline]] much [[/underline]] longer hairs.   Inside nearly solid? Lower face [[insertion]] ^ of leaf. [[/insertion]] Such [[insertion]] ^ a gall [[/insertion]] on [[Cra?]]

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