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*[Note] As an [[insertion]] ^ other [[/insertion]] example of the very variable nature of the specific characters in [[underlined]] Cecidomyia [[/underline]], I may quote the following. Loew describes [[underlined]] C. solidaginis [[/underline]] [[insertion]] Lw  [[/insertion]] [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]] [[insertion]] from the dried specimen [[/insertion]] without however stating the number of specimens used by him. On comparing his description ( [[underline]] Dipt. N.A. [[/underline]] pp. 194-5) with 2 [[male symbol]] 7 [[female symbol]] [[insertion]] ^ (dried) [[/insertion]] which I bred myself [[insertion]] ^ several years ago [[/insertion]] from the same gall, I find the following [[strikethrough]] descrepancies [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ variations [[/insertion]]: - [[underline]] 1st [[/underline]] the abdomen [[female symbol]] has [[strikethrough]] no[[/strikethrough]] "distinct black & red transverse bands" [[strikethrough] ]but is [[/strikethrough]] only in [[2 symbols for female]], in the other 5 it is blackish immaculate. [[underline]] 2nd. [[/underline]]. The [[symbol for male]] antennae (1 specimen, [[strikethrough]] are 20-jointed [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ the other mutilated) [[/insertion]] have only 18 flagellar joints, instead of "20 or 21". [[underline]] 3rd.[[/underline]] The oviduct, instead of being "of very moderate length & but little pointed" varies from 1/8 - 2/3 as long as the rest of the abdomen, & in the latter case is much attenuated at tip.  [[underline]]4th. [[/underline]] Instead of the legs [[female symbol]] being "black without white reflection", they are [[insertion]] ^ A - T.O.] [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] blackish [[/strikethrough]] dull rufous immaculate, except in two[[symbols for female]] [[strikethrough]] where they are blackish above & at tip [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]]5th. [[/underline]] Instead of legs [[symbol for male]] being "black with a white reflection on the tibiae & tarsi", they are so indeed in one [[symbol for male]], but in the other [[symbol for male]] they are yellowish [[insertion]] ^ hyaline [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] It may [[insertion]] ^ be [[/insertion]] observed here, that the structure of the