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[[male symbol]] antennae of this species differ remarkably from that of all Willow Gall-gnats known to me, in the pedicels, ^which Loew describes as "rather long",^ being as long as the spherical part of each joint, instead of only 1/2 as long; & in the last 3 or 4 joints tapering almost to nothing, agreeably to the remark of Loew that "the uppermost joints are much smaller than the preceding." The verticels, which are said by Loew to be "very long", are scarcely as long as two of the complete joints from which they spring, & differ from those of all Willow + gall-gnats known to me in being much more scanty, there being only 2 or 3 or 4 hairs to a vertical, instead of a considerable number. The ^joints of^ antennae [[female symbol]] are globular to the extreme tip, so that they can be readily counted instead of being [[female symbol]] 18-j basally moniliform & terminally cylindrical as in all the Willow Gallgnats.
A) very pale greenish brown, more or less [[strikethrough]]mottled[[/strikethrough]] speckled with black so as to appear blackish. In 2 [[female symbol]] they are almost immaculate.

Transcription Notes:
[[female symbol]] 18-j on the lower left corner appears to be a reference code and separate from the text around it.