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[[underline]] Carya [[/underline]] o.s. larva Bb [[image]] [C. alba?]


[[underline]] Populi semen [[/underline]] on P. grandidentata? S. side of Davenport's field, E. of Cases' House. Of 5 cut open one contained a Acaroid imago, yellowish with 5 or 6 dusky spots.  Rest = 0.


 Aug. 11 [[underline]] Carya [[strikethrough]] boletus [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ holotricha? knobby & sticky like [[underline]] boletus [[/underline]] but inside spherical.[[insertion]]  Found a small Lepid. larva evidently  
[C. alba?] introduced thro  external hole. In another found a bright yellow larva .08 long with black Bb [[image]].


[[underline]] Caryaecola o.s. shell now = 1/3 - 1/4 [[insertion]] ^ cross [[/insertion]] diameter of gall. Larva whitish, Bb [[image]] [on C. alba?]


X [[underline]] Carya boletus [[/underline]].  No larva. [[strikethrough]] [[blot]] [[/strikethrough]] many galls opened.


[[underline]] Holotricha [[/underline]]: [[insertion]] ^ mostly [[/insertion]] no [[strikethrough]] galls yet [[/strikethrough]] larvae yet. {one whitish Two yellowish} Bb [[image]] [[insertion]] another Bb pale & indistinct [[/insertion]] [[insertion]] several had very minute larvae. [[/insertion]]


Gall [[underline]] vitis tendriculus [[/underline]]. [[insertion]] ^ [read tentaculum] [[/insertion]]
Coccidan. On tendrils & occasionally leaf. Stalks of a three-leaved German grape from Bloomington, ILL. The part[[strikethrough]] irregularly [[/strikethrough]] enlarged to 3 - 6 times its natural diameter in an irregularly oval shape, [[insertion]] ^ placed lengthways of the part [[/insertion]] , & with some rugosites but no pubescence. Inside an irregular cell containing 2 or 3 cocci similar to those of [[underline]] vitifolia [[/underline]] but 1/3 smaller (diam. .02 not .03)
Color [[insertion]] ^ deep [[/insertion]] yellow; many yellowish eggs .01 long. On the tendrils color is changed to lake red, but not on leaf-stalk. 3 or 4 galls often in the length of 1-inch, a few almost confluent. Mostly now widely burst open [[insertion]] ^ laterally [[/insertion]] but a few still closed. Texture fleshy, but pretty solid.


Aug. 12

[[strikethrough]] On [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Carya mamma [[/underline]] n. sp. Cedidom? On C. glabra. A slight [[insertion]] ^ subcircular fleshy [[/insertion]] swelling & thickening of the blade of the leaflet, the natural color above, below several shades paler, with the veinlets as dark as [[insertion]] ^ is [[/insertion]] natural, the protuberance below

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much larger than that above & terminating in a nipple-like point. Diam .20 or less.  [[?]] about 05, with a smooth oval cell now lined with cocoon.  In two were larvae, but cut in opening. In two Chalcid imago. In two [[insertion]] ^ common [[/insertion]] Acaroid imago (White hyaline). Rest mostly bored & empty. [[insertion]]  Caryae pilula tree had dry 20 no fresh galls [[insertion]] 

[[underline]] caryae cocon. [[/underline]] n. sp. on C. glabra. On oval [[insertion]] ^ pubescent [[/insertion]] pod-like or rather cocoon-like gall, [[insertion]] on lower face of leaflet [[/insertion]] 2 - 3 times as long as wide, when young & small roundish. Color from pale green to pale brown. Shell [[insertion]] ^ thin [[/insertion]] hard & brittle inside rough, with some excrescences. Acaridan?, or Cecidomyidan? Of 16 opened, 2 [[insertion]] (large oval) [[/insertion]] contained a single acarus imago, one of them also 8 [[underline]] Xiphidium [[/underline]] eggs & one two such eggs. (Galls opening above by a minute round hole.) And near one or two more acari were running when opened. 9 oval galls were empty; 5 small empty. Attached by a single point only at one end, & always procumbent strictly. [[image]] [[symbol]] [[underline]] C. cylindrus [[underline]] by [[underline]] rounded [[/underline]] tip.


[[underline]] Holotricha [[/underline]] on C. glabra. (no larva). [[image]]


X [[underline]] Caryae semen. [[/underline]] Mostly empty now & open below. In one found a single coccide egg out of 20 or 25 opened. Out of 2 ran a single white acaroid imago.


[[checkmark]] [[underline]]
Carya cylindrus. [[/underline]] 1 on C. alba [[image]] brown.


Sanguinolenta? o.s. on C. alba. 6 on same leaf, but with longish rather sparse pubescence.


[[dot]] [[left margin vertical line]] 
The very [[insertion]] ^ long [[/insertion]] hairy [[strikethrough]] holotricha [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] persicoides [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ on C. alba [[/insertion]] are [[strikethrough]] har [[/strikethrough]] soft & smaller: probably immature.
[[/left margin vertical line]]

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