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At a Meeting held at the usual place upon Wednesday June 25. 1856, pursuant to notice duly given by the Secretary, there were present Geo. Minter, Pres. [President], Joseph W. Brackett, John G. Powars, J.J. Beardsley, J.W. Spencer, Alex. [Alexander] Steel and Benj. D. Walsh, Sec. [Secretary].

The Secretary stated that at the earnest request of Peter Page [Gr?], Chairman Executive Committee of the Chicago Board, he had attended the Kansas Convention held at Cleveland this June 20th & 21st.  As an informal Delegate from this Society, & presented Bill of his expenses on the Road amounting to forty three dollars.

Resolved unanimously that the Secretary be allowed the amount of said Bill.

Moved by Alex. [Alexander] Steel that all available funds be appropriated towards eqiupping & forwarding a number of Kansas Imigrants now lying in Camp near Iowa City; & that said funds be paid over for that purpose into the hands of Hugh D. Downie Esq. Treasurer of the Kansas Settlers' Society of that place.  Carried unanimously.

The Secretary offered to advance the whole available amount subscribed on the Books of the Society out of his private funds for the above object.  The offer was accepted unanimously.

Moved by Jos. W. Brackett that in case it should be necessary for the Secretary to go personally to Iowa City for the above object, his expenses there & back be borne by the Society.  Cararied unanimously.

On motion adjourned sine die.

              , President
Benj. D. Walsh, Secretary

[The following are upside-down notes made at the bottom of the page, mostly illegible]

[] [Cyncpsea] ? O.S. On C. [glalva].  A small [clonsule] swelling on [] or of the side-vein as [] ([] on a leaflet) pretty close together, 20 [long], sometimes causing an arching upward[stricken-through] of the vein above & a depression below, with some crinklings both side. (Cell long, smooth.  [Curly] [Iowa] only .02 [], but manifestly [cecedom] markings & Bb. black (*) (Often some brown sca[brities] on the gall.  Texture hard fleshy, not a mere shell.)

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed 08/12/14 2:10 p.m. tma