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p. 66

Papilio turnus [[underline]] suspended [[/underline]] p. 67 


* Hop Aphis in 1863. p. 67


* Ephestia red Fitch (larva &c) p.69


Ruff-necked oriole (S.A.) = cuckoo p.70


Left = Turnus [[female symbol]], Right = Glaucus [[female symbol]] p. 70


Diplax (anus &c.) p.71 .105x p.106 (Hetaerina) 149x150x


Coccus of white oak p. 72 & p. 174


- Aphid? galls on Cornus p.77


Insect in ear [[(Tettigon)?]] p.96


In Chilcid - ramus = base of radial area p. 93


Anthonomus prunuicida p. 103(0)


Larva of Anthocoris pseudochinche orange  [[image]]- p. 106


* Anth. 4 gibbus abundant on Thorn (July 16) p. 106


* July 24  ^[[insertion]] (& before) [[/insertion]] bred Carpoc. pomonella 


* July 26 swarms of chinch bugs flying p. 107


[[underline]] Reduvius raptatorius [[/underline]] preys on [[underline]] Crabro [[/underline]] -


July 30 Hickory bark Lecanium hatches p. 109

Microlep - larvae apod (Clemens & see Stainton) p. 114


Paria 6-notata Say bred [[underline]] S. brass. [[/underline]] gall, Aug 12. p.115


Lep. larva [[underline]] Q. prunus [[/underline]] described p.117


Larva Gelechia gallae genitella? ___ p.118 (p.131)


Fungus lepid. larva descr. (bred) p.123


Dryocampa larva p. 129-132


Aphis bella with larva on oak p 132


Lagoa opercularis larva p.134


Typical lines &c in [[underline]] Noctua [[/underline]] p.136


Hipparchiscus venustus [[symbol]] Geometra siccifolia   p.137


[[Col?]] [[Text obscured by wear on bottom of page]]   p.14[[0?]]

Transcription Notes:
last line is indecipherable. @siobhanleachman - dashes at the left side of the page appear to me to be lines separating the written entries. Well, duh. Hipparchiscus venustus is Hipparchiscus venustus Walsh!