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[[2 tally marks]] cecid. o.s. ✓  [ Quercus 1 cecid? Vitis [[2 tally marks]] Cocc [[strikethrough]] [[1 tally mark]] [[/strikethrough]] [[two tally marks]] cecid. 


✓  Crataegus [[4 tally marks]] cecid, [[1 tally mark]] acaris

8 cecid. ✓ o.s. [Carya [[2 tally marks]]  Coccid, [[insertion]] 7 tally marks]] [[/insertion]] [[4 tally marks]] cecid. [[1 tally mark]] acarid?


 ✓ [Ulmus [[3 tally marks]] [[strikethrough]] ([[1 tally mark]]?) [[/strikethrough]] acarid.

✓ Tilia [[1 tally mark]] acarid, (1?) [[2 tally marks]] cecid.

✓  [Cornus [[1 tally mark]] cecid.

[[1 tally mark]] cec. ✓ o.s. Fraxinus [[1 tally mark]] ([[1 tally mark]]?) acarid.

✓ Negundo [[1 tally mark]]] acarid.

✓ [Rhys [[1 tally mark]] Aphid.

✓ Juglans [[strikethrough]] [[1 tally mark]] cecid? ,[[/strikethrough]] [[2 tally marks]] acarid. 
✓ Prunus [[1 tally mark]] acarid.

✓ Cerasus [[1 tally mark]] acarid.

✓ [Populus [[2 tally marks]] aphid? [[1 tally mark]] acarid.

✓ Pyrus [[1 tally mark]] (?) cecidom? [[strikethrough]] [[1 tally mark]] acarid? [[/strikethrough]]

✓ Corylus [[1 tally mark]] cecidom


Salix 13 sp. cecidom.

 4 Total coccid. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]]

26 cecid. [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] (3 doubtful)

16 acarid. [[/strikethrough]] 14 [[/strikethrough]] (2 doubtful

 3 aphid. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] (2 doubtful

[[2 tally marks]]