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[[preprinted]] 1 [/preprinted]] 
[[margin]] Jan 23. [[margin]] Busy in the morning at the works [[superscript]] Hooker [[/superscript]]
In the afternoon went to Lockport where I met manager Mr. Folger of United Indurated Fibre Co. [[margin]] Bakelite [[/margin]] [[margin]] 1 X [[/margin]] Showed him my samples of Bakalized pulpboard. Seemed much interested told me Mr Peterson their President and Manager was in New York. They would me send samples to be bakalized and we shall try to meet again.
A blizzard started and is making the country beautifully white. I hope the children will get some of it so as to get their winter - sports.  Weather is getting much colder
[[margin]] Jan 24. [[/margin]] Another day at the works. [[underlined]] cough cough cough everywhere [[/underlined]] in cell room
[[margin]] 1 X [[/margin]]  In the evening I walked across the bridge to the Clifton House.