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Cold freezing ice blast made cheeks feel like cramps.
Was the only [[strikethrough]] desolate [[/strikethrough]] lonely wanderer on that bridge. Came back to hotel and wrote some letters
[[margin]] Jan 25. 1 X [[/margin]] Busy all day. Left at 7.22 PM for Montreal. Received $100.00 on account in cash from D & T. Co
[[margin]] X [with arrow to the expenses line below] [[/margin]]Paid Hotel Bill and tips  [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] and other [[underlined]] expenses [[/underlined]] $ 35.00  [[underlined]] 
 [[margin]] Jan 26 (Sunday)[[/margin]] Montreal. Stayed at "Windsor". Fresh snow - cold weather. Took a long walk. Everything closed on Sunday. 
[[margin]] X 1 [[/margin]] Montreal makes the same impression of a mixture of the old shabby city interspersed with more tidy and better kept modern structures displaced by and by the old town.
[[margin]] X [[/margin]] Paid for train & parlor car etc [[underlined]] $14.00 [[underlined]]
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[[margin]] Jan 27. [[margin]] Took train to Valley Field to meet Mr. Louis Simpson manager of the Montreal Cotton Co.  During the night there has been a heavy snowfall.  The country was covered with deep snow.  Cold and very strong wind blowing. which swept the snow in the air and made it look as if it was snowing.  Was so [[margin]] 1 X  [[/margin]]windy that when stepped from train in sleigh I had trouble in keeping warm in my heavy fur coat.
Had interview with Mr. Simpson and Mr. Shäfer his chemist.  Told him we were anxious to have somebody take up the Townsend process in Canada and would be willing to make most favorable conditions and show them our plant and
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