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our books in Niagara Falls.  Answered that for the moment
nothing could be done on account of the business depression through which everybody was passing. 
[[margin]] Hooker [[/margin]]
But later on the subject could again be taken up.
Took train in evening to Montreal 
[[margin]] Jan 18. [[/margin]]  Had interview with Mr. Riordon of Riordon Paper Company. I told him the same thing as I told to Mr. Simpson.
[[margin]] 1 x [[/margin]]  
He seemed very interested in what I told him.  He too says all their contemplated improvements and enlargements are stopped on account of the business depression but he hopes to take matters up later. Spent remainder of day
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buying snowshoes, and fur caps and mocassins for the children.  In the evening left with 7:10 P.M. train and arrived next day in New York.
[[margin]] Jan 29. [[/margin]]  very astonished to find such a mild temperature after the cold of Montreal.  Spent two hours at office of D. & F. Co . (chg 1/3
[[margin]] 1/3 x [[/margin]] 
(I paid for hotel in Montreal. $10.00. for train to Valley Field and sleighs. $5.00. for return ticket to New York a sleeper & meals $12.80)
[[margin]] x [[/margin]]] 
In the afternoon went with Celine to see "Girl of the Golden West"at Academy of Music after taking lunch together at Martins.
[[margin]] Jan 30. [[/margin]] Very cold day.  Zero temperature.
In the evening the Mandels and
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