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the Brandis were here for supper.  We had a jolly party singing and fun making.
[[margin]] Jan. 31. [[margin]] Still colder weather but no wind and very bright atmosphere. Thermometer mark - 17⁰ C.
I went to New York for interview with Anthony, Brock, and Seabury of [[strikethough]] Loander P [[/strikethrough]] Boonton
Rubber Co. on the subject of a license for the use of Bakalite.
[[margin]] Boonton Rubber option on Bakelite [[/margin]]
Met at lawyers club.  I agreed with them to give them an option until March 16. For the following arrangement I will give them exclusive use of Bakelite for moulding purposes not including construction of dynamos motors or other coils, not including Bakelized
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wire on the following conditions in 1908 they must garantee me order of at least 30 tons Bakalite at $500.00 per ton or forfeit garantee of $6000 on any portion thereof in the ratio of the goods they do not order.
[[margin]] Bakelite & Boonton Rubber option [[/margin]]
1908     50 tons or $10000 forfeit
1909     80 tons or $15000   "
1910    120 tons or $24000   "
1911    150 tons or $30000   "
and every year after until confirmation of patent same as 1911.
Forfeit to be deposited beforehand in some Trust Co. and [[strikethrough]] returnable [[/strikethrough]] available proportionately to deliveries.
No export nor use for other