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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]]
for awhile.  But slight thaw sets in.
[[margin]] Bakelized wood [[/margin]]
I have written today to the Forestry Department of the United States telling them of my Bakalizing process for wood also of my method of impregnation with sulphite spent liquor.  Spent some time in laboratory with Thurlow conferring about Bakalite insulating and emery wheels. [[margin: image - circle with a dot in the center]]
[[margin]] Feb 7 [[/margin]] 
Went to New York.  Saw Robeson of Robeson Company and explained him my Sulphite Spent liquor impregnation process.  Made provisional appointment to meet his brother the President of his company on Feb 13.
[[margin]] X 2/3 [[/margin]]
Spent 4 hours (chg 2/3 day)
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at office D. F. Co. conferring with Lansing on various subjects also on design of 4000 A cell.  Had interviews with Dr. Samtec in regard to his proposal for chloral manufacturing.
Also with Anderson who came to inquire for using Townsend cell for utilisation of sulphate of sodium.  
Took supper at Tach's then went to meeting of American Chemical Society.  Snowy day.  Arrived home at 2 AM.
[[margin]] Feb. 8 [[/margin]] 
This is Georges 13th birthday.  Spent morning in study room.  Went with family to New York Casino Theatre to see play -  Top o' th' world.  A lot of
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