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him extracts of my foreign applications enumerating these differences.  He said that under these conditions he would withdraw his objection to my claims provided we wrote him a letter setting forth the arguments presented to him.
[[written vertically in margin]] U.S. Patent Office [[/margin]]
Afterwards went to office of Dr. Seaman showed him all my samples, left them there over night in his office.  Explained to him and his assistant the differences between various condensation products of phenol and formaldehyde and the manufacture of Bakalite.  
In the evening went for supper
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at Mr. Townsend's house.
[[margin]] Mar 16 [[/margin]] Went early to Mr. Townsend's office.  worked some more over revision of patent tests.  Went to Department that has patents for bases (varnishes).  The head examiner was much interested in my samples and called in all his assistants to look at them.  He tried to break my caustic soda Bakalite and could not and after others had tried unsuccessfully called in
[[written vertically in margin]] U.S. Patent Office [[/margin]]
one man Coffin who looked like a prize fighter and who was able to twist and bend iron bars and all this caused much merriment.  I showed them the difference between the alcohol soluble condensation products and Bakalite.  He finally agreed to my statements
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