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[[preprinted]] 24 [[/preprinted]]
but says that my product should not be in his department but in Mr. Stauffer's department to which it will probably be transferred.
[[margin]] US Patent Office [[/margin]]
Then went to see head examiner Keenan; electric insulator - who discussed with us the make up of Bakalite with Luft product. He himself burned a stick of Bakalite so as to become convinced that it does not melt. Finally agreed to our arguments and said that if we would amend our claims as proposed by us he would accept them.
All these people were pleasant and courteous but now we went to the Department for Abrasives at the head of which is a man [[end page]]
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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]]U.S. Patent Office  Boorish Mr. Gould[[/margin]]
named Gould, a desperate sample of boorishness, bullying, arrogance and as stubborn as a mule. Townsend had told me beforehand that there was no use seeing him that he was an utterly unreasonable being and I now believe it. Did not even want to listen to our arguments and told us beforehand that we might argue or say what we liked there was no use! We left there thoroughly disgusted.
[[margin]]U.S Forestry Dept[[/margin]]
In the afternoon went to see Messrs. Kellog and Cline US. Forestry Service and made appointment with them for next day.
In the evening went for supper