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[[margin]]Dr. Seaman[[/margin]]
to Dr. W. H. Seaman were I made the acquaintance of Mrs. Seaman a pleasant mannered, white haired intelligent old lady and some friends of them of New Hampshire who happened to be visiting Washington.
A very agreeable evening, lively conversation of very interesting nature. None of the usual small talk.
[[margin]]March 7[[/margin]]
[[margin]]Dr. Harvey Wiley[[/margin]]
In the morning called on Dr. Wiley who was cheerful as ever and showed me the latest caricatures of himself and some funny letters and telegrams which he had just received.
Then went to Dr. Bigelow told him all about Bakalite
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[[margin]]Bigelow & lacquer for cans[[/margin]]
and about the possibility of varnishing tin cans with our varnish that withstands alcohol and acids. He says the California Winegrowers associations [[strikethrough]]are on the look [[/strikethrough]] desire such a varnish. Promised him some coated tin cans.
Afternoon had conference at building of U.S. Forest Service with Messrs. Crawford, Cline, Kellog. Dr. Bristol, & another chemist whose name I have forgotten; told them everything about Bakalite, its properties, manufacture, its history. Showed samples of impregnated wood and impregnated fibre and of Bakalite plain and compounded.