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dated Dec 20, 1907. i e. later than my 13 July 1907 Washington application this gives me priority under international convention rules.
Remained most of day in laboratory
[[margin]] May 12. [[/margin]]  Met Brock, Anthony & Seabury at Lawyers Club.
Brock proposes to [[strikethrough] make [[/strikethrough]] reorganize [[underlined]] Boonton Rubber Co. [[/underlined]]  Put in $25000 and give me large share of stock for exclusive license for Bakelite for insulators.
I do not like his proposition.  Concluded to think matters over and let him know my decision.
Seabury seems disheartened and would accept immediately my option on my conditions because as a technical man he sees the
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great possibilities.
I ordered my first trial order one barrel from Stone (carbolic acid) and from Dubois. (Roessler Hasslacher), barrel formaldehyde  Hydraulic press and Westinghouse air compressor arrived during my absence.
Mr. ^[[insertion]] Geo. [[/insertion]] Lufbery too called here. will come back to morrow.
[[margin]] May 13 [[/margin]] Lufbery arrived here. and remained with us.  Showed him Bakelite samples and how to make it.  He is rather handicapped by his asthma but seems very much interested in the matter.  Seems more impressed with possibilities than I myself am and this is saying very much.
[[margin]] May 14 [[/margin]]  Lufbery here.  Hydraulic