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of Smith that were cited against me.  Fortunately they do not clash with my claims.
[[margin]] May 30. [[/margin]] Decoration day.  Worked all day in laboratory.  The meanest most disgusted unpleasant rainy day in a long time. Pouring rain all day and so dark that I scarcely could see in laboratory.
Thurlow & Lewis were busy erecting vacuum - pan.
[[margin]] May 31 [[/margin]] (Sunday) After I had despaired of the weather - yesterday it looked as if it was going to rain forever! _ we had today a most beautiful  day.  I spent all day alone in the laboratory trying to
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find wether naphthalene could not be made to condense with CH2O as sulfuric acid or as sulfene
[[margin]] June 1. [[/margin]] Foreign mail brought me first action of German Patent office on my Bakelite patent.  I dropped everything else and spent full day writing an answer and wrote many other letters until my back was lame.
[[margin]] June 2 [[/margin]] Got U.S.P. copy of Smith where for the first time I see mentioned the possible use of asbestos pulp in combination with his insoluble condensation product.  He uses paracetaldehyde in acid alcoholic solution