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But when G.S. came to Nichols he latter refused to serve with Wiley.  Then he altered his decision saying that if Chandler consented to serve he would do so too.  Chandler consented so now Nichols consented.  G.S. told me that Nichols spoke very well of me.  All what they want now is that Wiley should invite Schweitzer and give the latter a chance to decline if he thinks it advisable to do so.
After the supper drove to the Chemist Club in [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] auto taximeter.  Chandler lectured on artificial silk.
I made arrangement with
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Stone, Richardson & McMurtrie that they should come to Snug Rock and take lunch on Thursday next.
[[margin]] June 6 [/margin]] Seabury was here early with a set of the recent Bakalite insulators.  The process now works exceedingly well and [[underlined]] his moldings are perfect. [[/underlined]] I spent 2 hours dictating letter of advice 
[[margin]] 1/3 X [[/margin]]
on CC4 acete anhydride and acetylchloride to Albert Hooker (chge 1/3 day)
Spent remainder of day writing & in laboratory.  A most beautiful day.  Afternoon visit of Rudolf Erdemeyer who came in his auto.  I gave him my two rifles and helmets of Franco Prussian war.