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[[preprinted]] 114 [[preprinted]]
George went out to the Palisades on an expedition with Leo Williams
[[margin]] June 7 [[/margin]]  Beautiful Sunday weather.  Spent morning writing many letters. The Baskervilles arrived here at noon with their children.  Spent day here and were driven home by Lewis at 8 P.M.  A very very agreeable day.  I showed to B. my latest results with Bakelite.
[[margin]] June 8 [[/margin]]  A very busy day dictating letters and work in laboratory  Thurlow still busy erecting vacuum fan with Lewis
[[margin]] June 9 [[/margin]] Went to N.Y. early. at 11 A. M.  had consultation with
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[[preprinted]] 115 [[/preprinted]]
M. Rob. Beasley - one hour for which he paid me $30.00 as per agreement.
Took lunch at Mouquin with Dr. Foster. Harriman and Evans.  Then had one hours interview with Mr. Garvin of Moore and Schley concerning conditions of D. & F. Co:, seemed pleased with my report.  Then spent 1 hour with Lansing on several matters and 1 hour more here on same matters.
[[margin]] 1/2 X [[/margin]] chge 1/2 day
Elon Hooker offered me to be his guest on motor trip through England with him, Mrs. Hooker and Celine and I accepted for next year in June after International
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