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chemical congress.  After trying in vain to get Celine at telephone had to take supper alone so went to Mouquin where I met Mr. Tyndale and spent a pleasant evening.  Arrived home about 10.30 P.M.
Have sent check $100.00 to mother.  Next check due July 14 from here.
[[margin]] June 10 [[/margin]] Nice day. Busy in study and in laboratory until 6 P.M. when Toch came here and stayed with us over night. Showed him my latest work and read him my controversy with German Patent Office.
[[margin]] June 11 [[/margin]] Toch left here at 11.30 A.M. I spent remainder of day in
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laboratory trying steam engine and stirrer of vacuum pan.  Found necessary to substitute chain to belting.
[[margin]] June 12 [[/margin]] Busy all morning dictating letters and making test for Bakelite license. [[strikethrough]] asked [[/strikethrough]]
Thurlow in New York looking up matter of water vacuum pump.  Lewis busy adjusting stirrer and packing Westinghouse Air Brake ^[[insertion]] compressor [[/insertion]] to be [[strikethrough]] returne [[/strikethrough]] exchanged for high-pressure pump
[[margin]] June 13 [[/margin]] Beautiful day. letter writing and some laboratory work 
Evening Mr & Mrs Branchi here for supper 
[[margin]] June 14 [[/margin]] Spent most of the day in my laboratory repeating Fayolle patents. Afternoon reading and writing. Beautiful weather