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June 15  Rain all day.  Wrote some letters but did nothing in lab.
June 16  Cooler clearer weather.
[[underlined in red]] Mr. Barringer of the General Electrical Co's [[/underlined]]research laboratory came here by appointment so as [[underlined in red]] to learn the use of Bakelite [[/underlined]] for insulating purposes  I showed him all my samples gave him samples showed the properties of Bakelite.  How to mold Bakelite in the hydraulic press.  How to use Bakelizer etc. etc.  Showed him also how we were mixing and grinding wet wood pulp with Bakelite.  I told him [[underlined in red]] how I intended to make asbestos paper that contained solid A
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by mixed solid A powder with the asbestos paper pulp and thus making a paper that on simple heating and pressing would give Asbestos-Bakelite objects and how such paper would be used for wrapping wire and for making coils of dynamos, motors etc. [[/underlined]]
He left in the afternoon taking with him a supply of liquid ^ pasty A. solid A and Bakelite varnish stock and written directions
June 19  At 9 A.M arrived here  Mr. Frank N. Look ^Louck of the Florence Mfg Co. who came here by appointment.  I showed him different samples of Bakelite, showed him how
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