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mould at high temperatures has not been foreseen by him.  I believe that by using this method and if necessary by refining properly we shall be able to make more durable and stronger & cheaper records.
A beautiful bright cool day.
[[margin]] July 16. [[/margin]]  worked all morning in lab.  Vacuum pan gummed up with Varnish stock that has turned into B.
In the afternoon went to Brents to get one bond of Wisconsin Central 4's that Fisk & Robinson sold for me.  Gave it to Lansing with
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request to deliver it next morning to Fisk & Robinson.  Took supper in New York.
Wrote letter to Frank Seaman asking him to get me acquainted with someone who makes gramophone records.  Nice cool day.
[[margin]] July 17. [[/margin]]  Dictated letters all morning and did some work in laboratory.  Nice cool day.
[[margin]] July 18 [[/margin]]  Received letter from Lufbery telling me their process as to conflicting patents and asking me whether I am willing to bear expenses in case of conflict. Spent all morning to dictate letter showing them differences between my patent and others.
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