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[[margin]] March 26. [[/margin]]  Another day spent in court house hearing witnesses for prosecution.  The expert witness Dr. Campbell a physician
[[margin]] 1# [[/margin]]
found that he was unqualified as a chemist altho' he maintains to be a chemist.  A cross examination made him give testimony that turned the witness in favor of our case.
Zabriskie & Gray left on evening train for New York.  Recess until Monday
[[margin]] March 27. [[/margin]] This morning when going to the works of the D. & F. Co. the wind was blowing from the North East blowing quiteviolently.  
[[margin]] 1 # [[/margin]]
I noticed that [[strikethrough]] street was [[/strikethrough]] Buffalo Avenue near Phosphor Products Co. was filled with white smoke
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which kept on blowing from the roof of the buildings of the latter company.  I walked up as far as that point and noticed that the atmosphere around D. F. Co. plant was clear and uncontaminated by smoke of any kind.  But as soon as I arrived beyond the bridge over the street I was enveloped in a white cloud of vapors that had an acid smell very similar to what one smells when evaporating phosphoric acid solution that contains a trace of nitric acid.  This was at 8:45 A.M. and when I left the place a few minutes later the vapors continued filling that point of the street.  Spent remainder of day at works in conference with Hooker