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to withhold portions of the truth in our favor.  He evidently does not know that what he alleges will count against him.  Probably he confuses "square root" with "squares"  Tomorrow when Mr. Zabreskie interrogates me we shall be able to tell exactly on this subject.
What a contemptible tendency these district attorneys have.  They do not want the truth.  They only want to mix up witnesses, never mind how, as long as it advances their own vanity.  I begin to realize what a misnomer justice is.  The older I get the less respect I have for so called "law."  Henceforth when I meet a convicted
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criminal I shall have some respect for him.  He will mean to me a man who has been entrapped by the everlasting tricks of some district attorney.
If I was not very well posted on my subject and uninfluenced by the attitude of the district attorney how he would have succeeded to confuse me and contradict myself.  This "law" business is a contemptible farce.
[[April 7[in margin]] Went back to Lockport 0.50c. and under examination of Mr. Zabrieskie was able to show 
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conclusively how the Law of  Graham - this time a real Law and not a so called "law" as they make in Albany. counts [[underlined]] against [[/underlined]] the assertions of
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