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met. E H  Hooker and had further consultations with him & Hilton.
[[margin]] Sept 12. [[/margin]] Worked all morning in lab. and also on automobile  In afternoon took George, Nina & Florence Kelman to Piermont. Make carnival there  [[Canoeing?]] in canoes. etc. Came home after dark, quiet night, moon light calm weather.  Children seemed much pleased.
[[margin]] Sept 13. [[/margin]] Worked all morning in lab. and on auto.  In the afternoon went to Van Cortlandt, fetch Dr. Seaman and Mrs. Seaman (Washington)  they stayed with us for supper.  Dr. Seaman's a
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remarkable man. of high scientific and very liberal ideas. was very much interested to hear him expose his own views as to the Negro problem.  He thinks they have not yet had the full chance to develop.  furthermore the blacks here are the inferior slave races of Africa and the sudden jump of the most inferior black race to the most superior white race is rather much in one generation  it would be easier for them if they were simply compared to russian peasants or italian or spanish peasants instead of white americans  Lewis and I drove them
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