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[[preprinted]] 160 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] Sept 16 [[/margin]] Worked all morning in lab.  [[strikethrough]] Climbed some trees in [[/strikethrough]] Found some trees in vacant lot near Mr. Blake's house and planted them along lower Oppenheimer boundary of Snug Rock.  Three tulip trees, one sycamore and one catalpa.  then drove Celine to Yonkers with motor
[[margin]] Sept 17 [[/margin]]  Worked all day in lab
[[margin]] Sept 18 [[/margin]]  Worked all morning and afternoon in lab.  Then took out George's Mermaid on the river, then rode with motor car to Yonkers & Hastings so as to try it, then after supper Celine and I drove to South Yonkers and stopped at Park Hall Inn
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[[preprinted]] 161 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] Sept 19 [[/margin]]  I worked in lab until about 4 P.M. then went to Yacht Club with Celine.  Towed George's canoe across the river and left George and Leo Williams there to start an evening camp while C & I went to Piermont.  Leak in feed line of gasoline, tried to stop it. near Piermont pier. finally succeeded winding wire tape and soap around it.  Weather was calm and hazy (forest fires Adirondacks) when we left, but NE breeze stiffened.  Ate clam bake at Piermont Hotel.  Coming back it was pitch dark