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[[preprinted]] 166 [[/preprinted]]
where I met Tyndale. After supper Lewis drove us to his apartment where I remained some time talking about many matters. Then Lewis drove me back home. Gas motor car works again exceedingly well. I believe it is better than it ever was since I made some very slight changes to it
Sept 26. Worked all morning in laboratory and dictated some letters. In the afternoon went to Yacht Club for a short time. Sultry foggy damp weather (Tried out that Knoll & Co House
Sept 27 (Sunday) worked all day
[[left margin notation]] Decided to take out patents for base in England & Germany [[/left margin notation]]
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[[preprinted]] 167 [[/preprinted]]
in laboratory. Beautiful weather.
Sept 28. Fine weather. Worked in laboratory. Rain & wind. storm
Sept 29 Worked in lab. Then most of the day on dynamo of motor car. Fine mist but cold weather. Color of trees and foliage is turning
Sept 30. Beautiful weather Dictated letters in morning. Worked in lab all afternoon
Oct 1. Dictated letters in morning went to N.Y with dynamo of motor car. Bought a
[[line across bottom of page, continuation of margin note on page 166]]
I undoubtedly have priority. Intended use of bases on basic salts as condensation agents two months after my U.S. patent application and I decide to invoke international [[coinventor?]] privileges
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