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small stream crossed the road. Found a few water beetles and plenty of fallen trees to work. Under bark found Zoraptera, ants etc. Ate lunch. At the next small stream we found some rotting banana trunks which yielded my first Metamasius adults, more Zoraptera and a couple of [[underline]]Alegoria dilatata[[/underline]] Cast. Except for one or two scarabs, this is the only species of insect on Jamaica that I recognize at sight. Stopped again ^[[,]] at the bridge across the Mammee River near junction with Hope ^[[,]] for dryopids. Found some

[[photograph of bridge and river valley]][caption - Old Spanish bridge over Mammee River]

water pennies and dryopids and managed to catch one small fish. The bridge is of fitted stone and except for the new concrete top is apparently in more or less original condition. These bridges are all very narrow and are strictly one way for traffic. Back to Half Way Tree through Papine and Hope gardens with time to bathe and dress before dinner. Did not go out in the evening but laid plans for the rest of the week.

Feb. 5. Went into Kingston to shop and look around. Called on the U.S. Consul and found him a very pleasant young man recently assigned to Kingston. Looked at Wedgwood with view of future purchases. Took tire around to Masterton for repairing. Bought ivory cigarette holder and found a William IV sixpence in my change. Most of the coins in circulation are Victorian, some quite early. Returned to the garage for the tire and for gasoline to burn in the lantern. Then to Edwards' laboratory to look over the collection of local insects. The collection is very poor, many families represented by two or three specimens are really common on the island. Edwards is evidently discouraged
