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Catadupa we took a side road leading to Mocho. Found a few millipeds and some good sweeping. Got a series of coccinellids and spiders; Dick found a few nice staphs. Then we ran through the Cockpits which are now generally planted to bananas to Montego Bay. This is the big resort town on the north shore, full of magnificent hotels which are very expensive. Started east along the shore and stopped at several places to collect under beach drift. [[Photograph of a Carton nest on left hand side]]
[[Image caption: Carton nest of Nasutitermes sp.]]
Minute trichopterygids were very abundant in the seaweed. Forficulids were also there in numbers but in general the collecting was not good. Phaleria sp. and Aphodiinae should have been there. A mile or so beyond Montego Bay the shore has been captured by the mangrove and there was no more shore line before we reached Falmouth. Here we ate our tea. There are very nice ruins around Falmouth and Hyde Hall. After leaving Falmouth we put the net up over the car. The first part of the run was through cane fields and we emptied the net at the end of the cane. Had a good catch with many staphylinids. On the map this would be Jackson Town. From Jackson Town we took the road running nearly due south through Ulster Spring to Troy and Oxford and then to Derry. Put away the catch and went to bed without any night collecting for fireflies. We leave for Kensworth tomorrow morning. 

Feb. 17. Left Derry early in the morning for Kensworth. Good thing we started betimes because we had our first real car trouble. Something was wrong with the ignition and while we could do as high as 25 m.p.h. on level ground, we could barely creep up a hill even in extra low gear. We finally stopped and found one sparkplug out because
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