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the rest of the day. Marjorie and Barbara went back to Caymanas at about 4.30 PM. Barbara is the wife of the factory chemist; they have recently come to the island from Barbados. The rain slowed up a bit at dusk and we took the lantern and sheet over beyond one of the sinks and stayed until 8.00 PM. Took a few fireflies and Sulcophanaeus. Had a late supper and went to bed.

Feb. 22. Washington's Birthday and nobody seems to care ! We packed a lunch and started for BlackRiver town by way of Mandeville and Lacovia. Opened a termitarium near Lacovia and took a large queen but no guests. Just east of Black River we found ourselves at the shore and we beat beach grape getting more of the Psyllobora n.sp. Also took staphylinids, histerids and Aphodius on human excreta. Followed the shore road

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east until we came to the side road going to Great Pedro Bay. There is a fishing camp there and the odors not any too pleasant. We had decided to eat lunch ther[[e]] but changed our minds. We went back to the main road an had lunch by the roadside in the shade of a large tree. Then on to Alligator Pond Bay for more Psyllobora n.sp. and a swim. There are no bathing facilities at Kensworth. Left

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Bamboo near Lacovia.

at 6.00 PM and ran to Kensworth with the net up. Took a good series of Staphylinidae and Aphodiinae. "The Boy" had caught two galliwasps, lizards reputed to be very poisonous, in the wall in front of the house. Will have to go to Mandeville tomorrow for formaldehyde and a jar to keep them in. Bed about 10.30 PM.

Feb. 23. Went to Mandeville for shopping. We mailed some letters that we had written, bought some stamps and cigarettes, also gasoline. Finally got some formaldehyde in the drug store and a large glass jar in the hardware and drygoods store. Back to Kensworth for an

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