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[[Picture of C. Bernard Lewis, middle third of the page on the left]]
Worked over my notes and specimens in the afternoon.  Reached Edwards' place at 6.30 and found several guests already assembled.  Jones and his wife were there and we all talked over our cocktails.  Later Pomeroy and his daughter appeared and the rest of the evening was spent listening to him and looking that the Kodachrome moving pictures (Mostly underexposed and all of local interest). I remember that in 1937 I was also afflicted with Pomeroy under the same circumstances.  At eight we all departed and I had dinner at Piccadilly Road.

May 3.  Bernard called me at 7 AM and we started for Portland ridge for the day.  He is looking for sizable deposits of bat guano as a source of phosphate and he also has a line on a bauxite deposit.  We took the main road to Old Harbour, then the first left to the Alley and around the bay nearly to the point.  Just beyond the sign post "To the Cave" we parked to car to the bush near a path up to the top of the ridge.  The rock is honeycomb, like that on Goat Island and the vegetation is quite similar.  Started up the path, packing our supplies on our backs.  Made two collections of Nasutitermes along the path, one colony living in a carton nest in a tree beside the path and the other coming from a hole in the ground.  Half way up I took a sample of Nasutitermes from under bark of a small standing dead tree, in the sound wood of which I found a fine colony of Cryptotermes, different from Cryptotermes brevis Walk.  as the species is certainly new to the island and perhaps new to science, I cut out and saved a piece of the wood showing the galleries.  We missed the turn off for the cave and climbed nearly to the top of the ridge.  While Bernard scouted around to locate the opening of the cave, I cut down and dissected a bromeliad, finding a few crustaceans similar to Asellus and one caterpillar.  Also opened a standing dead tree and found colonies of two different species of Kalotermes.  There was a small scorpion under the bark which I got.  In the meantime, The mouth of the cave had been located and we started back down.  The cave is the largest that I have been in , about