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May 7. I was very stiff and lame this morning when I got up, some of which could be blamed on the bad weather of yesterday but most to the long day in the rumble seat. I spent the morning transferring my entire catch to the large vials, packing them for transportation to Washing-ton and refilling the smaller vials for reuse in the field. In the afternoon went into Kingston to get more money from the Royal Bank of Canada. Afterward I went to the Myrtle Bank for a swim which made me feel much better. Had an early dinner and went to bed early. 

May 8. First thing in the morning I wrote letters to Clara and Lucy and also one to Mary Savariau in which I suggested that I might spend the night at Kensworth on the 14th. Took net and went back to Ferry River where I took another of the Scarabs as well as several other good things. Am still lame and very glad the trip to Cinchona has had to be postponed a day. Lewis can't get away and Swabey's wife became ill yesterday and he doesn't dare leave Kingston. Still raining hard in the mountains. Another swim and sun bath. 

May 9. Lewis called early to say that we would meet at
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Forester's cabin at Cinchona (C.B. Lewis).

his house at 8 AM. We were delayed by nails in Lucille's shoes and didn't start until 8.30. We stopped en route to buy gasoline, flashlight cells, cigarettes and to pick up the mule hampers and blankets at Swabey's. He
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