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was evidently anxious to see the U.S. take over the island. 

[[image- black and white photograph of a woman in a flowery dress]]
[[caption] Marjorie L. R. Bovell. [[caption]]

At Sheffield turned north on the Green Island road and then to Lucea. Negril beach is very beautiful to look at but I am told that there is no depth of water until one goes out at least a quarter mile so the swimming is not good. Lucea to Sav-la-Mar, stopping along the road to collect. Bath. Dinner at Fontabelle, bed at 10.15.

May 20. Went back to Bluefields Bay. Stopped just beyond the limits of Sav-la-Mar to chop into some logs. Found Zoraptera and ants. At Bluefields Bay, spent morning sweeping foliage along roadsides. Coccinellids, tingids etc.[[strikethrough]]m[[/strikethrough]], mostly on Lantana. Series of Pseudomyrma running on trunk of large [[underline]]Coccoloba uvifera[[/underline]]. In very old and long dead stump was a colony of Termes sp. Also colony of a Kalotermes. In another stump (Coccoloba) a colony of Cryptotermes, apparently not [[underline]]C. brevis[[/underline]]. Rain started about 2.30 I went back to Windsor to clean up and put away my catch and then went to Fontabelle for dinner. Marjorie was in town and after banging on the door futilely I put my mouth close to the slats and called "Mabel". There was a scurry and a giggle and the door opened. "Hello, Doc. I'm Cookie. Mabel's busy." Then, from the kitchen, "Hi, Doc, have some beer ?". I declined and asked after the refrigerator. Cookie said cheerfully, "It seems she has done gone bust." I heard George say that a new Westinghouse had been ordered for Fontabelle so they will have relief eventually. Dinner and a pleasant though somber evening as I leave for Kingston tomorrow.

May 21. Packed, paid bill of three guineas and left  Windsor without regret. Ran out the Negril for one last try. Took some heteroptera that seemed new to me. Stopped at Fontabelle to leave supply of bottles and ethyl acetate. Said final Goodbyes and started for Kensworth. Reached there at 4.45, had tea and supper and talked until 8.30. Bed, fagged out.