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---      azteca var. pallida Wheeler. 
      Fort Antonio, Mandeville, Balaclava.

28. Solenopsis hammari Mayr. (ident. dub.)

29. Pheidole fallax Mayr.
      Kingston, Balaclava, Newton.

   ---   fallax var. ovalis Forel. 

30. Pheidole megacephala (F.)
        Kingston, Mandeville, Cinchona.

31. Pheidole punctatissima subsp. jamaicensis Wheeler. 2.5 mi. west Port Antonio (type locality), Troy.
   --- punctatissima jamaicensis var. barbouri Wheeler. Cinchona. 

32. Pheidole radoszkowskii var. opacissima Forel.
         Kingston, Newton.

33. Pheidole subarmata Mayr.
        Port Antonio Balaclava.

34. Pheidole carribaea Wheeler.
       Mandeville, Balaclava, Troy, Newton.

     ---  caribbaea subsp. sloanei Wheeler. 

35. Pheidole flavens Roger.

    --- flavens var. thomensis Emery (ident. dub.) Mandeville. 
35a. See Additions

36. Pheidole floridana subsp. stomachosa Wheeler. 

37. Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) hecate Wheeler. 
       Troy (type locality).

     ---      ---    hecate subsp. malevola Wheeler. Yallahs Valley (near Blue Mts.), Kingston (type loc-ality), Newcastle.

     ---      ---    hecate subsp. bruesi Wheeler.
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