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184  PROC. ENT. SCO. WASH., VOL. 43, NO. 8, NOV., 1941

The type is from Negril Point, Jamaica, Station 583, May 19, 1941, Dr. E. A. Chapin collector.  Taken in association with the ant Solenopsis geminata (F.), found in a deserted nest of a species of Nasutitennes.
The paratype is from State College, Miss., November 22, 1934, Dr. M. R. Smith collector.  It was observed attaching the fire and, Solenopsis xyloni McCook.
Type and paratype, United States National Museum No. 53862.  
This species runs to Pseudacteon spatulatum (Mall.) but differs in the shape and much larger size of the ovipositor.
Note. - The ants were identified by Dr. M. R. Smith, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.

Fig. 1. Pseudacteon gradis, postero-dorsal view of ovipositor.

By J.C. Crawford,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.

Species in the genus Taeniothrips which have the fore tarsus apically produced into a clawlike projection are so few in number that a new one, differing widely from those already known, is of interest. It is because of this deviation that the specific name has been selected.

Taeniothrips aberrans, new species.

Holotype female (macropterous).-- Length (distended) 1.48 mm. Deep brown, thorax with slight orange tinge and much red pigment, especially in prothorax; femora concolorous with body, knees somewhat lighter brown, tibiae paler than
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