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way home. We did stop once, at Km. 65 from Bogotá to take many specimens of an Epilachna on a large composite, identified at the Institute as Montanda excelsa Ern. and on Solanum scorpioidium (Rusby).

[[IMAGE: Photo of market]] [[caption:}
Ollas in Guasca market

It was nearly dark when we reached Guasca and our head-lights had been giving us trouble; Moreno worked over them and improved the situation. I was very tired when we reached Carrera 8a at 8.15. 
   During the day, Clara had taken the broken handbag to the shoemaker almost next door, mailed letters, and read El Tiempo in Parque Independencia. After lunch she called for the bag, found it ready and well mended, called for the last batch of photos and had her hair done at the Instituto Francés de Belleza in Calle 12.

   Feb.21.  We slept late and so were late at the Institute. My first job was to write up my notes on the trip, sort the catch and pack the specimens for the return to Washington. At the Institute I sorted Coccinellidae until noon. After lunch we mailed some letters and Manuela helped Clara get some paint spots off her hat.  Murillo called for us and took us to Dr Zulueta's for tea. We arrived much too early to the embarrassment of both ourselves and our hosts. However we had a pleasant time. The house was one of the newer type, at Avenida 32, No 14-46. Dr Luis de Zulueta received us in the front living room; Doña Inés came down soon and moved us into the adjoining room which was much lighter and brighter, with a big bowl of small white flowers on the table.

[[IMAGE: photo of landscape]] [[caption:]]

Dr Zulueta spoke in clear and simple Spanish and told us of his first visit to Berlin as a student with no German at all. He described seeing masses of a coccinellid along the shores of the Mediterranean that must have been Coccinella septempunctata. He also showed us a letter from his wife in New York with some words cut out by the censor; "sin la guerra" he could tell, knowing her writing so well. Soon his son came in; he