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first experience in combining avocado with hot soup. It is a very tasty combination. After lunch we went down and down into the valley of the Rio Sunuba. At the bridge we found good collecting. One small shrub was alive with a species of Stenus. We took the car across the bridge, which was

[[image - black and white photograph of a church in Guayata, people walking around in foreground. With caption]]
Church at Guayata

under construction, and climbed the other side of the valley to Guayata. No collecting but we went into the church and met the padre. He invited us up to his living quarters for coffee. As we were going through the church I heard him ask Murillo if I was a catholic. Murillo said "No, but he is very religous." Later when I refused beer he told the padre that I was a total abstainer!
On the way back we stopped at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Boyaca where we collected on the marginal land. Some coccinellids and other good thinks. We started for Bogota about 4 and arrived at 9, very tired.
Clara spent the day around Bogota. She did some more last minute shopping and tried to see the Vasquez paintings in El Sagrario but couldn't get in. Instead she went to San Diego, one of the most attractive churches in the city. It is whitewashed inside and out, with a large heavily gilded altar at the left and some very old paintings at the back. A priest was talking to a group of mothers about the bringing up of children and their first communion; there were some funny touches, some good sense and some histrionics. From there she called on Mrs Carroll, Carrera 11A, N[[underlined]] o [[/underlined]] 69-38. She got off the car at Calle 67, so had to walk around three sides of the big enclosed square, only to find that Mrs Carroll was not at home.
At six, a cable was delivered at the apartment. It was from Wetmore telling of a changed plane schedule. Avianca office was closed so nothing could be done that night.
Telephone calls from Guillermo Hernandez de Alba to say that dona Paulina had been ill and from Mrs McKibben that she also had been ill, but would like to take Clara to see some churches with old paintings tomorrow.