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certain time so that there is no standing.  We went to be about 10 after a mediocre dinner.
Feb. 18.  Up at 8.30 after a good night's sleep.  We were now in the grape country and many vineyards could be seen from the train.  As we approached the city of Osorno we had our first sight of the Osorno volcano, the most symmetrical of all of Chile's snow-capped peaks.  From here on, one or more snow-caps were always in sight.  As the train sped on between Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt we had our first close view of a lake, Lago LLanquihue.  Reached Pto. Montt a few minutes ahead of schedule and went across the street to the Hotel Miramar.  We took a large double room without private bath but not too far from the large bathroom that served that end of the floor.  We washed and walked to the Plaza de Armas where we found a clean German tearoom, Cafe Olimpia, which served excellent "onces".  After eating, we strolled about town ending up at the fish wharves.  Two or three small fishing boats were in and the fishermen were selling beautiful 20" mackerel at two for five pesos (.16).  In the shops nearby were strings of dried mussels and dried shrimps, dirty and most unattractive.  Back to the hotel to write a letter home before dinner, which was served at 8.30 and was quite good.  Bed about ten.

Feb. 19.  Another good night and up at eight.  First we made our reservations on the boat leaving Pto. Montt for Castro (Chiloe I.) tomorrow night at 10.  Our boat will be the SS Chacao, 258 tons nett which seems small.  Then to the postoffice to mail letter.  Back to the hotel for our nets and bottles and up onto the hills back of the town where we found fair collecting.  Took my first Chilean Scarabaeid, [[underlined]]Pinotus torulosus[[underlined]], as well as some weevils and odonata.  Dinner at the hotel at noon.  After dinner we started out in another direction but found the collecting very poor, everywhere it was too dry.  We gave up at about 5 and went back to the Olimpia for onces.  Then a turn around town, another visit to the fish wharves (no new kinds of fish to be seen) and back to the hotel to write cards to Willis, Parfinowich, Schmaltz, Sweet and Carpenter.  Dinner at 8.30 and bed shortly afterward.

Feb. 20.  After breakfast we went northeast from the hotel and found a much better collecting place.  It was high up on a side hill, with bog conditions.  We collected all the morning and, with time out for lunch at the hotel, all the afternoon.  On our way back to the hotel in the afternoon, we were stopped by a man who told us that we were on the property of the city water supply and we definitely should