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not be there.  Explanation from Raul proved sufficient to keep us out of jail.  At the hotel we ordered hot baths. 

[[image - Isla Tenglo and harbor of Puerto Montt.]]

It proved to be quite an ordeal.  First the maid lights a wood stove and after half an hour she calls for one of us to bathe.  The second bath doesn't take quite a half hour to heat.  Baths are extra and cost four pesos each.

[[image - Puerto Montt]]

After our baths we went to the Olimpia and then back to the hotel to pack the small bag and the market bag for the trip to Chiloe.  We turned over the suitcases to the management to be held for our return and our soiled clothing to the maid to be washed and ready for us on Friday.  We had dinner and then took the bus to the boat.  Stayed on deck (a very small deck) until after the boat pulled out and then went to bed.  Our stateroom was very small, hardly larger than the bunks, one over the other, and a tiny handbowl.