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be well adapted to Chile. Where the soil is too poor for farming this pine grows well and makes a good stand that is ready for harvest in from fifteen to twenty years. Further, it is selfseeding which means that the planted forests will be perpetual. We went back to the hotel and at

[[image - black and white photograph of a town with buildings, trees, sidewalks.]]
[[caption]] Osorno. Plaza de Armas. Note modern church. [[/caption]]

5.30 a new man, sent by Teuber, appeared and drove us to the Estacion Genetica which is about 9 km. out of the city. There I met Jose Suarez (has been in the United States and is a friend of Ben's) who took us all over the place. The work there is mostly with forage grasses, testing for resistance to drouth. That night Suarez joined us for dinner.

Feb. 28. Started for Puerto Octay early, Teuber driving the Ford 2 ton truck and we reached the Experiment Station about 11 AM. The trip was a bit tiring as there were no springs in the seat and the road was not first class. Sr. Silva, the Director, took us over the grounds where they are doing much to improve the potato, working with a dozen North American varieties and many wild strains of [[underlined]] S. tuberosum. [[/underlined]] One strain from Chiloe has tubers that are long and slender, (about 8" x 1"), and have jet black skins. This particular strain is of little use as food but does have a very high resistance to leaf-curl and scab. I saw tubers with skins that were black, violet, red, rose and white with white or yellow flesh. Thousands of seedlings resulting from controlled crosses were growing in beds and these would be studied and the best of them multiplied for use in breeding work or for introduction into the commercial trade.
For lunch we were taken to a small hotel right on the shore of Lago LLanquihue. It was originally the summer home of a wealthy Chilean but was abandoned after an unfortunate accident took the lives of several of his guests. It was first offered to the government but was not accepted.