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34) Nucleus when just ready to drop out turns black, except at tip.  Larva curves dorsally BG[[image-drawing with Bb notation]].


 Haws are now perforated by a snout-beetle, but on opening the round punctures, though there were brown cuttings & channels inside, could detect no larva.  Cuttings not deep nor very extensive.


Cut open solitary [[underlined]] Q. ovarium [[/underlined]] gall on Red oak.  Contained several S. rhoditiformis?  Thrown away.


Negundo (lepid.) galls are now empty.  Thrown away.  Were in jar where now ^ [[insertion]] are in [[/insertion]] "Curculio" plums.


Of [[underlined]] Q. prunus [[underlined]] galls preserved with old larvae (J.I. p.100?) 2 now contained dead & mouldy imago [[underlined]] C. q. prunus [[/underlined]], several [[do.?]] larva & pupa, & one a [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Syn. rhoditiformis? [[/underlined]]  Preserved the last, which is perhaps [[underlined]] Syn. n. sp. [[/underlined]] bred for [[underlined]] q. prunus [[/underlined]].


Wm. H. Edwards sends me two specimens of [[underlined]] Chrysopa oculata [[/underlined]] Say which he says stink badly.


[underlined]] Cynips ^ [[insertion]] tumifica O.S.  [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] querce caulis  [[/strikethrough]]- ^ [[insertion]]  [[underlined]] Proc. [[/underlined]] IV. p. 356 [[/insertion]] On. q. [[nilva?]] [[image]] gathered June 15. [[underlined]] Gall [[/underlined]] a simple enlargement of the leaf stalk on the [[underlined]] lower [[/underlined]] side exclusively to .30 in diameter, but extending partly (1/3 of it) on to the midrib.  Polythalamous.  Bred June 22, 1 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]].  [[male symbol]] antennae robust, 15 jt. 7 - 14 as broad as long, 15 a little longer.  Areolet entirely obsolete [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]]. [[male symbol]] Black; [[female symbol]] head bright rufous, thorax except scutel dull rufous, [[female symbol]] ant. 14 jtd. (O.S's galls were on midrib entirely.]

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June 22. Of a large lot of larvae of [[underlined]] Nematus ventricosus [[/underlined]] rec'd today from Dr. Smith, 8 or 10 of the largest were very pale green, including the head, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] jts. 1 & [[insertion]] front part of [[/insertion]] 2 & 11 & ^ [[insertion]] tip 1/2 of [[/insertion]] 12 bright King's yellow.  No tubercles [[image]].  Others about same size, & [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the small ones ^ [[insertion]] had [[/insertion]] tubercles (black) & black head.  One that was pale & [[insertion]] had [[/insertion]] no tubercles when packed (June 19) had spun up on the road. ^ [[insertion]] [When cocoon cut open, = 8 or 10 above.] [[/insertion]]  Placed all the pale ones in a quinine bottle.  Rest in Glass jar.

[[Strikethrough]] [Probably pale larva are [[two male symbols]]. Breed from all pale ones, & cut open cocoons in vase, to see if any contained tubercled larvae.] [[/strikethrough]] All become pale after last moult. see p. 36


Gall [[underlined]] castanea globulus [[/underlined]].  On chestnut.  A subglobular sack about .45 in diameter, attached by a very short peduncle to the flower-catkin.  Outside (dry) rough, coarsely rugose & opaque ^[[insertion]] cinnamon brown [[/insertion]].  Inside (dry) rough, coarsely rugose & opaque black.

[[strikethrough]] Phylloxe [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Xerophylla? c. globulus [[/underlined]]. [[Neuratron?]] as in [[underlined]] Xerophylla [[/underlined]]. Head & thorax black.  Abd. dark rufous? Antennae very short.-- From Penna. 


[[insertion]] June 23--as her label Bred a Synergus from [[underlined]] Cecid. [[/underlined]] gall Corni-ovium. [[/insertion]]


 June 25 Imported Barklouse. Largest now about as long as the extreme diameter of old scale  [[image with A]] inflated part as long as scale is largest: some have none.  Younger?  On Medicated boughs seem as large as on others.  On a broken & withered twig all dead? & no venter : [[image]] or inflated part. 


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